Friday, December 30, 2005


Originally uploaded by tobieforever.

By the way, this is what it NORMALLY looks like.

snow field

snow field
Originally uploaded by tobieforever.

I nearly didn't get to work this morning.
This was the clearest that it got, and that was only after I had to negotiate Crown Point which is steep and winding and always has black ice on the top just at the curve.
Typically it meant that I also had to pick my way past a car half in a ditch half in the road.
Lucky for me the weather warmed up a degree, the snow turned to sleet and it didn't freeze again before I got home.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

What do you mean you didn't recognise him?..He's Dr who!!!!

Back at work means nothing much to do except mend broken glasses and order things that can't be started till 2006 when allthe prescription houses go back to work.

Pretty boring.

There were a couple of medium points over the last couple of days.
Dave snoring through Harry Potter as Jo was muttering at me [ as Harry shook his head at Dumbledore and proffessed ignorance over who he'd seen with Lord V] that he only had to say it was the new Dr Who and everyone would have KNOWN

Me [nearly] snoring over Narnia as Jo and emma both got into it and got all upset over Aslan getting a hair cut.

Eating a whole box of Marks and Spencer biscuits ith a couple of bottles of wine and then crashing [ and of course, snoring]on the sofa.

Finding some gorgeous Freya bras in House of Fraser sale.

Ordering Emma's new pc.

Getting the sink fixed.
Actually this was a high point as anyone who has had to go fishing round a smelly u bend will know.
And this was one VERY VERY SMELLY U bend.
It had a perished seal thingy, and had got knocked slightly out of true, so everytime we emptied the sink a bit splashed out of the join and sploshed over the stuff in the cupboard underneath, but luckilly my bad housekeeping meant that I'd just bunged everything in a box under there, so I just had a load of wet bits and pieces to throw out and not a whole cupboard ruined by the leak.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Working again

The problem with broken PC's is that so many things happen that there's no point trying to get them down in here because I won't manage to remember all the important bits.
So give me a break, pull up a chair and watch me ramble on till I decide we've both had enough and i need another caffein boost to carry on.

In no particular order then, and allowing for the fact that my sense of date/time/space is completely knackered/atrophied/whatever.....

Went to see Nizlopi.
A somewhat weird experience due to the fact that they were number one at the time and I've never seen a band when they were even charted before let alone had one so close.[very cosy venue Cargo]
Fun though, even when you take into account someone chucking themselves under a tube at Moorgate and causing chaos on both the journey there and back, Dave's back giving him agony while we were there and the having to get up to go to work the next day after only a couple of hours sleep.

Went to see Coldplay.
Got repeatedly kicked in the head then squashed as she fell over the back of my seat by the girl behind me who was all excited.
Why is it that there are always people who seem to spend all their time getting into their seats, then out, then in, then out again ad infinitum when they've spent £30 or somesuch to get to see someone?
That wasn't the girl who sqished me by the way.
Oh, and Richard Ashcroft supported. Also fun.

Spent Christmas Day at home with Dave and the girls doing Christmassy things [read eating, drinking then falling asleep]

Got all upset when Mum rang to say that Mareks Dad had died [peacefully in his sleep at home where he wanted to be] on Christmas Eve.
I didn't know him, had never even met him, but Mum said they had spent the night washing his body, dressing him, and then lit candles and drank vodka and played songs and sang around the body, and that she wished that she had been able to do all that for my Dad when he died.
Then Dave got all upset /angry because it started him thinking about what would happen when HIS Dad dies[they're still not talking] and angry/upset because he was about to lose his job [thank you Mr Morrison] and just generally upset /angry because he couldn't make it better for me, and ended up nearly stomping out.
He didn't, and the fact that we were able to talk it through rather than it turning into some big screaming/shouting/walking out thing is a good sign I hope.

Jo loved her Dalek [ currently exterminating everything in its path]
Emma loved her furry Animal boots [currently sitting wet and soggy by the door drying out]
Dave loved his Ipod....
Well....I think he loved it.
No, I KNOW he loved it, its just I got it engraved with something that I thought would mean a lot to him [ and took me bloody ages to phrase right ] and he just blanked it.
Now i wish I hadn't bothered.
Me?..oh, i got loads of stuff that I like...[ thank you Alex, i would never have bought it for myself but i've wanted that soundtrack for years :D ].
Nothing major from Dave though and I'm not sure if that was part of the problem..Dave feeling that he should have got me something special.
But he paid for most of my trip to Paris, and there was no way i could have afforded to go if he hadn't so that was my christmas present really.

Got the PC fixed today.
Yay, go that man.
It was a blownpower thingy inside.
Alright, so I have no idea what the technical term for it is, its one of my many failings, get over it and stop looking at me like that.

edited *a load of moany stuff about my ex*
Emma and me have had a long talk about her dad.
edited *more moany stuff about my ex*
He can be good company, and he's funny and gregarious, able to talk to anyone no matter what their status/connection/attitude.
But it all stems from the fact that he has no idea that anyone could ever see him as anything other than wondeful.

On the whole I try not to discuss him with emma.
However, this time we have.
I've tried to be completely unbiased, and tell her his good points as well as his bad, but he IS very manipulative and I feel like bends the truth to get what he wants without even thinking about it.
He's always been like that.
So I've told her that as she'll be 16 next christmas, she should think about where she wants to go for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years and than let me know what she wants to do, and that We [Dave and I ] will accept her decision about it.
I've also told her to consider what her friends are doing and to realise that she's old enough to get herself to her dad's [or ask me for a lift] if ever she wants to just go over for an afternoon rather than waiting to be invited for a weekend as happens now.
I think he needs to realise that she's not a child anymore.


Now I'm in need of a pick me up to get the taste of irritation out of my mouth.
Hmmmmmm....where did I put that box of chocky biscuits ?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

broken pc....again

Yes, you read it correctly.
My pc has broken again.
Probably only a fuse this time, but it still means i'm without it for at least a couple of weeks.

But...* bounces in anticipation* I now have the cash to buy my mac!!!!!
*leaps about like a total twat*
*decides that I can't give a toss because I'm excited*

So, as soon as I can get up to the Aplle store to buy it, I will.

Expect frenzied updates [ and hopefully better spelling ] anon.

In the mean time have a wonderful Christmas.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Tooth Update

There seems to be very little pain for which I am extremely grateful.
Dave is taking Jo to our normal dentist first thng monday morning to let them see the damage and see what they suggest, but one of my patients is a dentist specialising in childrens teeth, and she's really lovely, so I'm also going to hunt out her contact details and give her a call.
The last thing I want is for Jo to grow up with a complex about her teth looking bad, and since she's already said a couple of times that her teeth are 'ugly' now, I would rather get them sorted sooner than later.

As far as the other child is concerned, I'm going to see what happens for a couple of days, then speak to the headmistress again once I know what we'll need to do to get her teeth fixed and see if I can get some background into why it might have happened.

Jo thinks that he thought that she was trying to take some football stickers off the little boy she was playing with, becuase when she bumped into him he dropped them and she was helping to pick them up, but since he didn't even ask what was happening, and Jo and the other boy are friends , I'm rather concerned about why he reacted with such force.

The strange thing is that her Headmistress said that she had spoken to the teachers on duty in the playground and they hadn't seen any indication that he was going to do anything violent when he walked up to them.
Completely unprovoked and out of the blue.
So I don't know if this was completely out of chatacter or if he's prone to lashing out.
Either way, just keeping him in at playtime for a week doesn't seem enough of a punishment, though I'm rather glad that he's being kept away from Jo, just incase he starts again.

One Day Later

Jo got into bed with us sometime around 3 last night saying she'd had a bad dream.
Not unexpected really.
She cuddled up to me for a while then decided she wanted to be the 'filling in a mummy/daddy/baby' sandwich and stomped all over me as she moved positions, then talked to Dave for half an hour till he went for a pee and then sidled off downstairs to sleep on the sofa.
Eventually she decided our bed was less comfortable, went downstairs to her room, talked to Dave for another 15 minutes and eventually fell back to sleep again, so back came Dave, waking me up again as he snugged up to me with his cold arse.

So this morning I'm pretty tired.

Jo on the other hand seems fine.

She got fussed over by Grandma and her cousin Lucy and made some more christmas cards and stuff.
She's aso trying to decide how to raise money for the RSPB and is debating making cakes and selling them.
I'm guessing she's expecting us all to buy loads, so I'd better make sure they are edible when she does.

Emma has gone shopping with her friends today, with a visit to the hairdressers thrown in for good measure.
She's sent me a message showing her hair, and I'd not realised how long it had gotten.
Its reaching down to the middle of her back again.
She's had it all layered so it hangs nicely and frames her face better at the front, and once she's back from her holiday she's going to get it coloured too, though I'm not completely clear what she has in mind on that score.
Its strange how things come full circle .
The girls that she's shopping with are the ones that were bullying her a couple of years back, but now it all seems fine.
I was concerned to begin with that it was all going to blow up again, but it seems they have all had long deep talks about what happened and how they all felt and have agreed to put it behind them.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Hello, this is Jo's school...I'm afraid there's been an incident.

Those are the words that make your stomach go sick and your hands clammy as you hold the phone and try not to cry.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been, thank god, but that didn't stop my brain going into overdrive when i heard the secretary on the line.

It seems that one of the year 3 boys took exception to how Jo was playing with her friends [ not with him you undertand..he was just watching them play ] in the school payground at lunch, and decided to walk over, headbutt her, breaking 2 of her front teeth in the process and then walk off.

Yeah, thats 2 of her ADULT front teeth.

It doesn't look all that bad.....
The lower one is all sharp and pointy, and the upper one is about 2 mm shorter than it was and all jagged, but it might have been far worse.
And typically our dentists and the other one nearby were both closed today for some reason, so we haven't been able to get them looked at yet.

She doesn't seem to be in too much pain, but they are really sensitive, and she's all shaken and in need of hugs.
Actually I'm not sure which of us needs the hugs more, me or her.

Dave was closest so he got a cab to school and picked her up, and for once was calmly angry rather than shouting angry.
I mean, like he said, the boy that did it was only 7 or 8, so he could hardly shout at him, especially as he was aparently really shaken at the damage he'd done.
But we are both still a bit sick feeling.

I had to drag Emma out of her work experience to come home with me too, but she was really worried when she heard what had happened and gave her a massive hug when she got home.

Jo seems much better at the moment.
She's making xmas cards.
But I'm not sure how she will be when its bed time.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I don't miss it

I got sent a gift membership.

I haven't done anything with it.

I feel bad because the person who sent it obviously wanted to do something nice for me.


I haven't missed it.

I haven't even browsed it lately to see what's going on with my friends.

I even MADE myself go and look.

And i still didn't wan't to rejoin.

Most of the people that I was interested in are on msn anyway, and I hardly talk to them on there because i have no time.

I have no likelyhood of being able to go to meets.

My life is filled with things of little or no interest to them and vice versa.

I have a hard enough time keeping in touch with friends that I actually 'know'.


I have to decide what to do.

I think i'll mail the person who sent me the gift and explain that I really don't have the time to give to the site to make it worth going back, because like anything, you really only get out of it what you put in, and if in my case thats diddly-squat, then thats what I'll get back.

I used to use it as a way of thinking outloud.
Kind of like this really.


But I still feel bad.

Whaaaaaa?* drool*..Sleeping?, Me?, welllllll........

I am so tired.
I really need to go to the doctors and get my thyroid levels checked, but I just seem to get to 8pm every day and realise that yet again I haven't had time to ring the surgery.

Missing my day off didn't help, 'cos I usually catch a couple of hours during the day and kind of re-stock my energy levels, but I don't think it made that much difference.

I really need to ring them to get a repeat prescription sorted too.
I finished my last pack of thyroxine...let me think...erm...well....long enough ago that I can't remember the date.

OK. You don't need to shout.
I KNOW I should be better at taking them, but I really thought that I had another pack in the medicine drawer, and I was wrong.
And then I can't just ring up and ask for another, I have to speak to the dr, and they are not easy to get hold of, especially when you're at work.
And, OK, I know i'm just making excuses too......

I really really really MUST ring them tomorrow.

I have another call to make too, but at least Emma should remind me about this one.
As I mentioned before [ I think } she's doing work experience at the moment, and having fun in a fashion design studio.
The problem is that it sems that the placement was only for a week, altthough the school told her it was for 2.
So now she has no where to go for her second week.


I spoke to my boss and he's fine with her coming to work with me for the 2nd week.
I mean she's been kind of doing that anyway, cos they work quite short hours and she's been finishing at 3 or 3.30 most days, so she's been helping out with me while she's waited to go home.
We just need to clear it with school, given how hot they are on checking that its a suitable placement and all.
I hope there wont be a problem since its their cock up, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cold Evenings and Hot Toddys

Ok, so you cant really call a big mug of milky coffee liberally laced with masses of Baileys a hot toddy exactly, but when you've just got in and its so cold that walking from the car to the front door freezes you into a walking Viennetta then i think it's ok to bend the facts a little.

Its that bloody icy wind that does it.


It might also have had something to do with the fact that i'd just nipped out to the car wearing a tshirt and not put my coat on.....

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Acheing fingers

I've just finished knitting a scarf for Jo and my fingers ache like mad.
Its been a while since I knitted anything and I was using the biggest kneedles I've ever used.
They were 20mm!!!!!!!!!
But even so, i was suprised by how hard it was to make myself continue.
It didn't take long to knit, only about 90 minutes, because I used some really thick wool called Bigga from Sirdar, and I suppose it was not being able to hold the needles between my fingers easily given how thick they were [ imagine a couple of bits of dowelling with sharp points, sort of vampire slaying size ] and you've more or less got it.
Jo had seen it when we went to Hobbycraft, and had asked it I would make her one, so rather than getting the etna colour I got Horizon blue for her.
I might go back later this week and get some more wool, but this time for Emma.
Or at least I will once my fingers feel more normal.

I've been having a busy day really, which is a bit of a suprise because I was up late till 3am watching silent witness, and then had to get up at 10.30 to get ready to go shopping and take Dave to work.

Would you like to know what I've been up to?
Do I really care if you do or you don't?
Am I going to tell you whether you want me to or not?
Yup, you guessed right.
I surely am.
Give a lolly to that lady on the left.

So, today I have mostly been :-
Shopping for food.
Searching for beige or black jeans for Dave.
Buying wool, and subsequently knitting a long scarf.
Buying card and twinkly sparkly things for christmas cards.
Making 4 of said christmas cards.
Searching for silver pen to write on sparkly Christmas cards.
Stomping about when am unable to find said silver pen.
Finished reading Grave Peril by Jim Butcher.
Cooked spaghetti for the girls, and stir fry veggies with udon noodles for me.
Watched Emma drool over my noodles [ for a girl who normally won't eat veggies she did an amazing job of looking like I was eating her most favoutite food ever]
Watched the Nightmare Before Christmas with Jo.
Had to watch half of it again on the +1channel because Emma came down in the middle and moaned that we hadn't called her.
Freaked when Emma suddenly told me that she needed a pair of curtains by tomorrow morning.
Sent her off to be nice to her sister and see if she would loan her one of her dressing up cloaks, when it turned out that said curtains were actually to be used as a cloak in the Girls Brigade Christmas show that she is in tommorrow night.
Put the kettle on for the 4th time without actually ending up making a coffee.


I really could do with that coffee now.
I've just realised that apart from the one that Dave brough up to me this morning when he was getting me up, I haven't had one all day.
No wonder I feel a little shaky.
Beter go make it then, I hear you thinking to your selves.
And you're completely right.
So I will.
Ta ta.


John has retained hs title and is the British Mens Figure Skating Champion for 2006.
:D :D :D

I wish I could have been there to see him skate, but time and cash just didn't allow it.
Still, at least I'll get to watch him do his stuff in January when I go to the Europeans.

I'm completely chuffed for him.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Mood swinging madly

I've been bouncing all day for one reason or another.
Hyper even.

I did loads of work stuff without even trying.
Well...ok, so the without trying is a bit of an exageration, but I wasn't stressing, it all just worked.

I got excited over that corset, but even discovering that it didn't fit right didn't knock my Happy Smiley mood.

I ordered Dave's Ipod and didn't flinch at the impact on my bank account.

And then i have a short, throw away conversation with Em.
Hell, it wasn't even a conversation.
And now she's upstairs thinking that she's upset me, and I have no way of telling her that it was just such a suprise question.

She ought to be able to ask me stuff like that without me over-reacting.

Its a perfectly reasonable question.

I just don't know where it came from.

I don't know what she's been thinking about to make her need to ask me.

And so I'm sitting here feeling gutted and empty.

And wondering if I'll only have another 6 months with her.


"Yes, Emma"
"When I'm 16 do i get to chose who I live with?"
"Well, if you don't want to live here when you're 16 then yes you do, otherwise no, normally you don't"
"Have I upset you mum?
"No darling, you haven't"

Its strange how things can catch you off guard and hurt you.


Due to the frequent mention of corsets recently, plus a severe amount of perving over the Vollers et al on-line shops, I have developed a deep and intense need to add to my rather meagre collection of glorious waist- cinching boned scrummyness.

Now as it happens my local lingery shop has been promising me that they have ordered in some special xmas stock, so today i strolled in nonchalantly to see if it had apperared.


There, on the stand over the tiny bits of lace they describe as corsets, but which wouldn't hold a butterfly upright , was the most glorous heavy busked, deep boned corset.
All heavy weight satin, deep aubergine and black, with 4 bows at the suspender points at the bottom, and 2 at the top.
And only £99.00!!!!!!!!!!

And you know what?

It was too short!

*throw myself down and kick my heels on the floor in frustration*

If I put it so that my boobs just mounded in the froth of lace at the top [ it was one of those straight top ones where your boobs become a heaving mass of soft roundness ] then it flared out too far at the waist [ even when laced tightly ]
If I put it so that it fit snuggly over my hips and cinched my waist where it ought to, then my boobs cascaded over the top at the slightest hint of breathing, which was very definately NOT what I had in mind for this particular item of gorgeous girlyness.
* blush*


I have resigned myself to taking all the fiddly measurements and spending at least twice the above price and getting one made-to-measure.

But they are all soooooooooo luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurvly.
How will i ever choose?


I wanted it NOW.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Change of style.

I got fed up with the other template, so i've changed it, but typically i forgot to make a not of all my links [ not that there were that many thank god] before i updated, so i've just spent ages adding them again.

Partly it took me ages because i always feel like I'm back in my first ever French class when I start to mess around with all the stuff you have to to alter just doesn't mean anything to me and I have to pick my way through it till I get it right.
And partly 'cos I get easilly side tracked.

For instance when I was sorting out the corset link and i spent ages looking at them instead of sorting out the link.

Still, I got there in the end.


Jools Holland was fun.

But Solomon Burke was bloody AMAZING!!!!!!!!

They rolled him on stage on a throne, suited and in sunglasses, but when he sang, OMG, such an amazing voice.

It was the first time I've been to the Albert Hall, and while everyone else was really happy to be sitting at the front of the upper circle, i was just sitting there thinking 'Oh Oh....this is a very small wall infront of me and a very long drop down'
I don't like edges at all.

But when Solomon Burke came on I totally forgot about the edge thing.
Marc Almond was guesting too and I was suprised that his voice was so strong.
I'm not sure why i thought it had been digitaly enhanced, but somehow i didn't expect it to be as good as it was.
Ruby turner was ok.
I was a little dissapointed with Sam Browne, although that may have been due to distortion, and Jools Holland was doing his normal showmanship stuff but the supporting band were great, and since i have a real soft spot for Honky Tonk I was happy.

Getting home could have been a tad tricky with 2 jumpers on the line and engineering works meaning that we nearly had to get a bus back to victoria, but we managed to grab a cab with an unknown shopper and get home at a reasonable hour.

Dave [bless him] was waiting with chilled white, but i just crashed totally so the wine will have to wait till tuesday night.

Friday, November 25, 2005

OMG its Cold!

I wish we'd managed to get the work done on our lower entrance before winter set's bloody cold sitting here with the wind seeping under the french doors and round the 'hole under the stairs' dead space room that will become the new entrance eventually.

OK, so I do happen to be sitting here in a vest top and with wet hair sqidged up on my head while I wait for my colour to take, but hey, the heating is up and it should be toasty in this room.

I spoke to my mum yesterday and she dropped into the conversation the fact that she's taken over from Steve in the chasing up the solicitor department and has been hassling her to get my Grandma's estate sorted pronto.
I mean, its not unreasonable to ask them to get their finger out when they quoted around 3 months to sort it and its been 11 months so far.


Work [ including me] are off to see Jools Holland at the Albert Hall tomorrow, but one of the girls won't be able to come after all as she has had a berevement in the family which means that the whole extended family are not expected to do anything 'enjoyable'.
At least her family didn't have to take all their furniture outside , which is what the immediate family had to do...wonderful in the start of a cold snap...and they can watch tv.

We still don't kmow the exact details of whats going to happen at the Aylesford Depot, though all the signs are saying its definitely closing, but no one's saying when.

Oh, my alarm is telling me my developing time is up, so i'd best go and see if I'm all bright red again.
I might change it next time.........
Or maybe not.
I've been blonde, from honey to platinum, I've been black, brunette, dark purple and mousy.
But this is the longest I've been anything other than the colour I was born with, and it suits my personality, so maybe I'll go on with it for a little longer.

*tootles off humming "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair"*

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What A week!!!!!!

Where on earth do i start ?

Should i go in strict time order moving from silly games on the eurostar with a load of unknown guys who's knowledge of 50's and 60's pop was far superior to mine, through a foot aching but green eyeball envy inducing visit to the Musee D'Orsay, a wet-yourself gigglefest during re-surfacing at the Bercy Ice rink [ its amazing how funny spongebob square pants and an hour long session in the bathroom becomes under the right circumstances] to the amazing chocolatier on the Boulevard St Michel with the mohican and handlebar moustache who dances and sang his way around selecting chocolates for my girls.

Or should it be by incidence of gradually increasing madness of my partners in crime, ending up with a face off in the Metro turnstiles betweed a rabidly tiny fur clad french Madame intent on inserting herself in front of an equally rabid and tiny fur clad english Madam shouting 'come on girls, link hands, dont let the french through' or earlier 'Oh No, They've taken my daughter, You'll have to body surf back to us dear' [ as the swell of bodies briefly separated them ] plus the amazing sight of a 46 year old woman jumping up and down while screaming at an exasperated assistant 'we don't need to be seated , we were here an hour ago' while the rest of us were legging it down the stairs to get seated because they had started the skating early?

Or maybe I should just stick to the skating....
Mao Asada, a 15 year old from Japan who wiped the floor with the opposition, looking like she could skate forever, as light as a butterfly, going from triple to triple, sticking in a triple, double double combination without breathing hard. Absolutely amazing.
The Kerrs dropping out.
The dance seeming to go from lift to lift with very little of 'dance' between...more show numbers than anything else.
3 days of skating ranging from the indiferent to the gobsmacking, but I wouldn't have missed a second of any of it.

There was loads more, but its all merging together already.

Except Mao Asada..... if you get the chance to watch her skate, take it.
You won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

God my feet hurt.

I just got back home from tramping round the shops picking up the last few things that I need for tomorrow.

For a small ish town i seem to have walked miles, and ok, so it did include 2 trips to the post office because I forgot to pay the gas bill the first time I went and only remembered just before I was about to pay for my car parking, and had to go all the way back, but its amazing just how far you walk when you're looking for random stuff.

I got: 3 pairs of knickers, 5 pairs of socks [all mine were terribly ancient and when you are sharing a room with 2 other women the state of your socks becomes rather more important than normal], 2 jumpers [ suitable for layering because the rink can get suprisingly warm but its normally freezing when you go home on the metro], 2 pairs of jeans [ see note about socks], a necklace, 2 pairs of acrylic plugs, a travel adaptor [ no matter how hard i looked i couldn't find the other 3 i'm sure i have stashed away somewhere], some emergency first aid bits, a big box of chocs and some fortune cookies [for on the train].

Oh, and some cinnamon/clove shampoo , lemony cuticle balm and some smelly [i cant remember off hand what kind, and I'm not unpacking it now just so you lot can have accurate information] soap from lush.

During all of this, Dave was at home clearing our bedroom for the new bed that was supposed to arrive sometime between 4 and 6.

Yes, you read that right.....SUPPOSED to arrive.
As of now 6.42pm it is still not here, and according to the delivery driver will be very late if it does get here.
Basically i think they were trying to pull a fast one cos they rang us about 4.30 to say they had broken down earlier and that they wouldn't be able to deliver.
Since our old bed is currently in the garden in bits awaiting collection by the council tomorrow, a certain amount of vvery pissed off shouting then took place, resulting in the driver first saying he had to go to margte before he came here [ he also said he was in Gillingham as he rang and thats way out of his way....he would have to pass us almost on his way], than that he couldnt deliver to us first because of the way the van was loaded, then finally that the bed was still in the shop in maidstone and he hadn't picked it up yet!!!!!!!!

so we rang the shop.

Who didn't know anything about a break down and were twiddling their fingers waiting for him to come and pick it up.

They were not happy bunnies.

So, the end result is that we are supposed to get our bed, but we really don't hold out much hope.

And I will probably be sleeping on the sofa, with Dave on the floor.

Happy Happy day.

However, tomorrow I will be wending my way to Paris, and the Eric Bompard [Cashmere] Trophy to watch some glorious Ice skating and do some glorious shopping.
*bounces in anticipation*

So big Mwahs to all my sweetie friends while I'm gone.
Don't get in too much trouble while I'm not here to give you my sage and deeply cogitated advice.

I'll miss you all you big dafties.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005



I just spent £140 on 2 PILLOWS!!!!!
I said PILLOWS!!!!!!

*wanders around in a dazed stupor*

Ok, so I bought a bed too, for rather more than that, but thats not the point.
I mean , Beds are MEANT to be expensive.
They are a neccessity.
You get back ache and bum ache and hip ache and neck ache from a bad bed.
What do you get from bad pillows???
Eh, Eh, Eh?
Answer me that!

What WAS I thinking??????

Well, actually I was thinking 'Wow! these pillows are comfortable'
And ' I bet i look daft lying on this mattress trying to pretend I'm in the position I sleep in'
plus 'I hope I haven't got anything nasty on my shoes'
But mainly it was about how nice the pillows felt.

So I bought 2.

Even though i rang Dave just to make sure I wasn't being brainwashed or anything , but he was a fat lot of good, and only said' get them if they feel good'
I mean, what sort of help is that?

I showed them to Emma when I got home, and she got all excited over them too, and a little upset that I hadn't got one for her too, but I don't think i could have made myself spend another £69 ....i mean that would have made it over £200!!!!!!!


i feel sooooo totally extravagant.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Being there.

I've been thinking today.
Yeah,yeah, get the cracks over know you're just dying to make them.

But anyway, as I said, I've been thinking.
Thinking about Being There.

Not the book [ which i found thought provoking but somewhat unbelievable and about which I spent a completely unproductive couple of days discussing with some much younger bods who seemed to think(amongst other things) that sex wasn't discussed between people before the 90's and that my arguments were just about rubbishing the book, but thats another post], but the reality.

I have always had someone there for me.

I can't think of a time when there hasn't been someone who I can call , someone who will talk me through it, or let me rant and hand me the tissues or the coffee.
Someone who has been able to help me emotionally and financially when I've needed it.

I have been VERY lucky.

I could look at the facts of my life and wonder at this.
Oh..perhaps it would help to clarify?
Ok, bullet point style i think.

1/.Born to an unmarried mother in the 60's when it was still very much frowned on.
2/.Left to be brought up by greatgrandmother when about 2 or 3 while mother moves to 3/.London to train to be a telephonist then a nurse.
4/.Great grandmother [ who I think of very much as my mother ] dies of cancer of the bowel and I go to live with my grandmother.

Hmmmmmm....i have lots of issues about this [4/.], given my mothers own history, and at this moment I have no wish to share them with you, but its only recently that I have come to terms with my mothers decision to let me live with them.

5/. my mum marries [ lots of issues with my dad now too]and I go to live with them in London since they can now afford a house as I've just won £1000 on the premium bonds and its enough for a deposit.
[ i had issues about that for ages as a teenager too, but given how different my life would have been had they not, i think I would have made the same decision if i had been in their shoes ]
6/.Various mild bullying stuff due to my boobs/accent/stroppiness.
7/. Married my first boyfriend.SERIOUS mistake.
8/.Erm......Oh heck lots of trivial stuff.

However, throughout the upheaval i never felt alone.

And although i didn't get on all that well with my dads family , they were also always there for me.

And the point of this?

Its important to me to be there for my family too if they should need it.

I hope I always can.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Has anything of interest happened today?

Well, the M25 was closed for half a day so I didn't get to work till 9.30 [ and thats late even for me]

A strange man walked past with a big scab covering half his face.

I am aparently only a slightly embarrassing parent [ according to the scores my biggest girlie gave me on the times quiz]

My boobs itched most of the day.

I lost the O ring from my right tunnel.

I nearly [ but not quite] bought 'Monster Mash'

I did buy 'Something in the air' by Thunderclap Newman. [ and rock your baby by Gordon McCrea and a load of other stuff that took me back to my teens, that I have somewhere on vinyl but not on cd ]

I discovered that one of the women i work with was also at the radio 1 road show and that she actually got to Touch a womble!!!!!!

Ah, i lead such an exciting life!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

9 years

Yesterday was our ninth anniversary.

Nine years since our first date that is.

We went to the cinema and saw chain reaction on that first date.

We went to the cinema for this anniversary too, but saw Nanny McFee :D
Ok, we had our littlest girlie with us, so we were a little limited as to what we could see, and she sat in the middle of us, so it wasn't what you could call romantic, but we had fun.
We went for food first too, and did silly drawings on the tablecloth and pigged out on chocolate maple waffles for dessert.*drool*

I've found some more old pics this weekend , and one of them has to be the WORST pic of me that i have ever had taken.
It's so bad that Dave and Jo both didn't believe it was me.!!!!

Actually..isn't that such a pain when someone argues with you that you are wrong about whether a pic is of you when you KNOW completely and totally that it is.

In this case my dad took me and my best friend Jackie to Brands Hatch to watch the motor racing and listen to the radio 1 road show, and i wore the dress that had caused me to be ever so slightly late for my cousins wedding [ I was being head bridesmaid ] because intead of walking quickly the couple of miles to her house to get changed I fannied around in Mexborough High Street and bought this dress.
It was cream and navy striped polyester and I loved it to bits.
* laughs*
But the real disaster is the hair
I went to the hairdressers and showed her a pic of a soft perm, but I got a real tight afro!
It's the only time a hair cut has made me cry.
By this time I'd got over it a bit, and if I remember rightly in the end it was ok, since I cut most of the frizz out and then dyed it mid brown, but the bits of perm left at the ends came out a really gorgeous copper and everyone thought i had an expensive custom colour.

Friday, November 04, 2005

And I quote.....

I checked my mail from ebay today.

And I got this......

'I tell you what, you are a very sad woman. You haven't got a clue what the hell your on about! Obviously you have no life and this is a bit of fun for you, you couldnt just take my critiscism and accept it, you must a loser! well i have reported you to ebay and because you have pissed me off i will make it my hobby to ruin your life!!!
Goodbye arsehole!!!!!!!!!!' [spellings and missed words left in for acuracy]

I think she might have taken my negative feedback a bit hard.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Pot, Kettle, Black

Bloody people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In particular bloody people on Ebay.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr Arggghhhhhhhhh [ to nick an expression ]

I am now the proud owner of 2, yes folks 2!!! negative feedbacks on ebay.

Shock! Horror!

I see it in your faces as you read this...what HAS she done to get such a blemish on her so far pristine Ebay character?

Well, let me unburden myself on your willing ears.
OK, so you're reading and not listening, but so what, I'm stressed here, And what do you mean you're not willing????
Huh huh. Just sit down and let me rant will you, I'm losing the thread.

Right , Are we sitting comfortably?
Then I'll begin.

When I sell something on Ebay I always put in my description that you need to allow 14 days for delivery, since i don't always get a lunch at work and can only get to the post office once a week on my day off, so from past experience i know it can take that long from the end of the sale to the winning bidder getting their item.

I write this CLEARLY in my postage bit.

I also send things recorder so that I'm sure that they get there, and first class because [ silly me ] untill recently I didn't realise that you could do 2nd class recorded.

I weigh my stuff, packed, and add the cost of the packing materials to the postage and thats how much i charge.
So, depending how heavy it is, depends how much its going to be.

Now, I sold a pair of babies double blade starter skates for the massive cost of 50p.
Yes folks, these cost me £15 it think when i bought them for my littlest girl ,who never wore them, but i sold them for 50p plus p+p which was about £3.87 , since they are steel bladed and weighed a fair amount.

Half term and a manic work week happened at the same time, so i didn't get them sent the first week.

Then I got an email from the winning bidder asking when she would receive them.

i mailed back with an apology [ in retrospect this was an error, because i should just have pointed out that I say allow 14 days, but hey, i thought I was being polite ] and sid that due to half term i hadn't yet despatched them.

She then sends a snotty email about how dare I charge excessive postage and what kind of household do i run if I can't cope with going to the post office when I have children around, that she wanted them as a birthday present, and since the birthday has passed that she wants a refund.

I reply with polite pointing out of my delivery times , stating that my postage is based on weight and cost of box etc, and that its sent that way for safety not speed. Also saying that had she told me that she needed them for a birthday I would have tried my best to ensure delivery in time, and I refund her.

I get another mail all angry saying i'm ripping her off and demanding the refund NOW and how dare i say she's being snotty? and what a lame excuse half term was..she's a housewife etc etc and tthat all her previous customers [all 8 of them] don't agree with me about her attitude, and some dig about people with negative feedback.

So, i go look at mine.

Along side her accusation of me ripping off people and neg feedback score, i see another abusive one from the twat that has not payed me for an item he bought after bumping up the bidding , saying amongst other things that I didn't leave feedback!

I scooted over to his page, left negative but polite fedback there, and then mailed the first woman back.

By this time I was pretty angry, but working with the public has tought me that there's little to be gined by leading off, so i tend to get very very calm and precise.
So I mailed her saying that I assumed she was referring to my NON PAYING BIDDER as well as the neg she left me, that she seemed to be intent on making this a mud slinging match, that I refer her again to my delivery times, the fact that I was under no obligation to refund her, that I had done nothing wrong and that my personal circumstances were none of her business, with a final note that if she did not understand the terms of sale it was not my problem.

I also left her neg feedback, stating that she had falsly accused me of ripping off postage , so maybe she'll think twice before boasting that she has no negative feedback.

I also read some of her other feedback, and guess what?
Her very second one was from a woman telling her that postage of £4.00 was a little excessive when it only cost £ 1.20 to send.

Just for clarity, the blades weighed just under 700g when packed which has a postage charge of £3.18, the rest was for the box.

In a sense I'm glad I hadn't read that when I mailed her last, because I would have had to mention it, and it would have brought me down to her level.

As it is , if she cares to report me then I have been polite and factual all the way through, and hopefully anyone wanting to buy from me in future will read the neg and my response to it and make up their own mind that I wasn't ripping anyone off.

Still makes me GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR though.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Pumpkin bashing

My feet Ache.
With a capital A C H E

All I've been doing is running round with a few 8 year old girls and i am absolutely pooped.

Thank god Emma was there to help me. Her Girls Brigade experience of looking after a whole load of similarly aged girls meant i was able to sort out the food etc with a minimum of hassle while she had them playing loads of party games.

i made way too much food, but hey, I'd rather that than there be too little.

We did all the normal stuff like pass the parcel and musical bumps and stuff, but the thing that amazed me was the way those girls whacked the pinata.
For delicate little flowers they gave it some welly.

And now I'm surrounded by bits of orange paper and the general debris left behind and I'm wondering if I have the energy to go outside [which entails walking up 6 steepish steps] to blow out the candles in the pumpkin that i have sitting on the garden wall.

You know what....i think I'll just go pour myself a big glass of something chilled and alcoholic and put my feet up.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Bug Hanging

I am sitting under the legs of a giant spider.

I KNOW its only made of tissue paper and card, but i can see the big black round body hanging from the ceiling, and I keep having to look up to make sure that its not moving.
Or looking at me.
With its big round orange day-glo eyes.


There's another one in the living room, so that the girlies can play games under it.

Don't you just love halloween


Emma had fun at her party and didn't seem drunk when she got in, though it was hard to tell since she got me to unlace her corset and then disappeared up to her room pretty sharpish.
She didn't get up till about 1pm either.


Dave was a little upset since we'd ordered indian via our local delivery service and it was a new guy on the end of the phone who had difficulty understanding our address [ which is slightly odd sounding ] but in the confusion he also missed off Dave's madras from the order, and took 45 minutes to get a replacement out to us, by which time it was too bloody late.
But he recovered pretty well after a couple of bottles of wine [helped no end by the fact that he'd been to see Spurs earlier, and although it was only a 1:1 draw he was happy with the game]


I bought All The Right Reasons : Nickelback and I'm in love with Animals.


I bought far too much chocolate when I went shopping today, but hey, you can't have too much chocolate can you?


And I remembered why i love undisturbed mornings

:D :D :D

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Boy racer

I was walking round town on Friday , minding my own business as per usual [ a world of my own ] and I became aware of someone shouting my name behind me.
It took a couple of shouts before i realised it might actually be aimed at me.
Eventually I turn round, and standing in the doorway of one of the video shops whas Tim.

Last time I bumped into him he was sporting corset peircings and was all excited that he was going to be starting an apprenticeship in a piercers somewhere in london.
So I was a bit suprised to see him in the corporate uniform , complete with tie, and a severe lack of facial piercings [though I noticed he'd gone for a vibrant royal blue stud in his tongue ]
It turns out that he'd had [another] car crash, dislocated his shoulder, ricked his back and been unable to get the work [ he wanted a full set of bars across his back forming a triangle on its point ] done at the piercers and so the job disappeared too.
Of course it could also have been to do with the fact that he's one of the scattiest guys i know.

But I have never met anyone like him when it comes to writing off cars.
If i didn't actually KNOW that some of the things he's told me are true, i would think he has a very vivid imagination....
I mean, who else but him could have his car roof flattened when the cellar-doors from the pub he worked at blew off because of a gas explosion?

This time it seems he overtook where he shouldn't on a country lane [ for which he holds his hands up and knows he was a prat], but it pissed off the driver behind so much that he then speeded up and tailended him, making the car go up over the bank.

*note to self*
Never get in a car with Tim.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

things to do

go shopping for:

Pinata filings
Bed [just looking]
Costume bits for Jo [who changes her mind about what she wants to dress up as every second]
Hocus Pocus dvd

Monday, October 24, 2005

why does it matter so much?

My head hurts and i feel gutted, but for once its not because of something going on between Dave and I.

I have friends on a couple of other community sites and one of them has just depressed me totally.

I've known this guy for ages, and although we have fallen out before over stuff that I felt was me not ignoring another friend because the first one felt threatened by the friendship...and I was aware that he had voted for the BNP in the last elections [ causing me to painstakingly explain how they phrase stuff to make it appear that their arguments are reasoned, and pionting out the flaws in their statistics/lack of hard facts to back up their claims etc ] I had thought that he was basically naieve [ok..i can never spell that bloody word] and misguided.

So, I trotted along there earlier to see what was going on in the uk group and found 3 pages of vitriol aimed at him.


So, I find the thread that sparked it all, and I'm left feeling slightly sick.

It all started well, with someone asking for advice on housing/council lists etc where he gave some helpful advice, but ended with a comment that because he was white/mid twenties/single/childless he would be unable to get anywhere on the list since ethnic minorities will take precedence.
and someone jumped on the fact that he seemed to think that being white made a difference.

Now instead of explaining [as he did later] that he was quoting from a comment made to him by a housing officer, he started quoting articles from the guardian newspaper about the fact that london will have 'whites in the minority' by 2010.
And getting progressively more mired in a load of crap about it.

He was a friend , so i read both the attacks on him and his posts carefully to make sure that i wasn't getting the wrong end of the stick, but there was no way that I could get past the fact that he was so hung up on the fact .

Now he and i have never discussed my family hasn't come up, because the racial/cultural make up of it isn't importnt to me.

My family are who are they are, there race is what it is, and it never occurs to me to mention it because It never occurs to me to think that it matters.

However, it IS mixed.
And i found myself offended and sickened [ sounds like a strong reaction, but my stomach is churning in response right now ] that someone who i classed as a friend would think like that.


I cherish people for how they think/their sense of humour and even [ in exceptional cases] their awesome recorder playing :D

I admire how some of them look, how some of them sing or speak or paint or care for others , how some of them are unselfish , and i love them for the whole of their personalities.
Some of them wind me up , some of them make me want to shake them or sit them down and make them SEE but even while thats going on I'm looking at them and seeing SPECIAL written all over them.

But I don't see their melanin levels.

And I feel sad that had he known about my family mix he probably wouldn't have been friends with me in the first place.

What a stupid stupid boy.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

music to cut your throat to.

bloody hell i listen to a lot of rubbish when i feel down.
Well....not rubbish exactly, but jesus......
Don't know what I mean?
Well, get a load of this lot.

Run to him - Bobby Vee
I don't wanna talk about it - Indigo Girls
You can't always get what you want - the Rolling Stones
Would I lie to you - Eurythmics
Queen bitch - Bowie
Who wants to live forever - Queen
Hoy es adios - Santana
Sunny - Bobby Hebb
Sorrow - The Merseys.

I could go on forever
I own such a collection of music to slit your wrists to.
Trouble is I listen to a couple and the I get all 'what the hell are they going on about' and start closing them as they start and going on to the next track.
I guess I'm just not built for wallowing in self pity.
Not much....


I just read a post from one of my friends about the fact that he has just found a lump in his cat, and the vet has given him days to live, and now i'm sitting here sobbing my socks off.
I know that its all bloody hormone related, but as I read it I could remember exactly how it felt to stroke my cat as she died after we found she had liver failure and her life had become completely miserable.
I stood next to her all curled up on the table and I couldn't see her properly through my tears, but I could feel her get more and more still, till eventually she stopped breathing altogether.

I miss her so much.

I know that Dave really isn't a cat person, and I pretend that I don't really care and that they are a pain, but I would love to have cats again.

So now I'm feeling all stupid and weepy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Work Experience

One of the trials of a 15 year olds life [ not to mention that of her long suffering parents ] is Work Experience.
But after along and tortuous wait the biggest girlie has just bounced through the door, waved a bit of scrumpled paper in my face and shrieked that hse has her placement.

Something made me think that she might be a bit happy about it....I wonder what?


It seems that hse will be working in a fashion design studio [ more rapturous leaping about as she tells me this ] and its in Sevenoaks [ where I work ] so she will get a lift in with me on most days, and [ very important this ] She can wear casual clothes
:D :D :D

Why do i forsee a shopping spree to find suitable casual stuff before she goes there?

Monday, October 10, 2005

21 october 1966

The radio was full of reports of the earthquake in pakistan today.
They were talking to one man who has just found out that he had lost 16 members of his family.
But all I kept remembering was Aberfan.
I was 6.
I lived in Mexborough at the time, a mining community with towns surrounded by slag heaps and lakes and heavy concrete water towers.
I remember the silence when we heard the reports.
My grandparents sitting stunned, and my aunt who was 11 hugging me .
All those children .
All those miners coming up from the pit to try and dig them out.
And I wondered if it could happen where we were.

are 2 black cats luckier than 1?

I found 2 black cats mewling at my kitcen door this morning.
One was gorgeous fluffy and big and the other was smaller and sleek, but they were obviously together, and they had collars and bells.
I've not seen them before, and they seemed to think that they lived with me, so i think they must have only just moved into the area and had mistaken the garden.
Jo got all scared cos they kept trying to get in and looking all sad and soulful.
I don't know why she's scared of cats.
And I just wanted to go and cuddle them.
I keep telling myself that I'm not a big animal person, but secretly i miss my cats.
I doubt that Dave would let me have any more though.
Specially as Jo is so funny with them.

If they are still around tonight I will see if there are any contact details on their collars.
Not because I want to give them a hug you understand, just cos I'm being a concerned neighbour.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Its a bit much when, in order to help my daughter with her math homework she has to explain to me the method by which we she has to get to the answer.
I wish they'd stop changing how they teach.
Its not even as if she doesn't understand the traditional method cos when I show her how i used to do the same sum she grasps it immediately.
And yet the roundabout way that she has to write the sum down and show her workings confuses her.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Happy Happy happy

Its finished.
I love it.
I feel like a puppy who's discovered his tail for the first time....all I want to do is get a good look at it so I keep squirming round to try and get a good look.
: D

Monday, September 26, 2005

Woo : D

Lots of good things today.

I bought:
2 big dangly black spiders with 8 foot legs.
Some orange and black ballons.
2 big spiders webs to go on the walls
A spooky ghostly shape light display.

I arranged to borrow a smoke machine.

I looked up some greusome recipes like bath water potion, and deadmens fingers and maggot suprise.

I arranged to leave work early on the day of the party.

I found out that one of my friends got engaged on a romantic holiday.

I found out another friend got offered a job.

I listened to a hilarious radio broadcast about internet porn.

I discovered that 5 of the things I'm selling on ebay have bids on them, and loads of people watching.

I got my latest box from the Chocolate Tasting Club full of gorgeous fresh chocolates.

I am a happy bunny.
: D

Sunday, September 25, 2005

What have I let myself in for?

The littlest girlie's birthday falls smack bang in the middle of the main school hols and so her birthday party has to be either way before the event itsself, or as soon as they go back [ resulting in everyone thinking she's a year older than she is ].

This year we just haven't been organised enough, and although I took her and a friend to the design museum to make surfing related goodies [ t shirts/flip-flops/necklaces ]as a birthday treat i haven't organised an actual party for her.

In a soft moment....
I agreed that she can have a Halloween costume party instead.

Am i stupid or what?
: )

Saturday, September 24, 2005


I love Ebay.
: )
I love getting things out, dusting them off, taking pics and then listing them.
I hate waiting for the first bid, but once you have that first one down I love checking to see how things are doing.
And since I would otherwise have been donating whatever it is that I've found to a charity shop [ I am a terrible hoarder, but I'm trying to turn over a new leaf ] I rarely mind what I get for it, I'm just happy that its sold.

Then I wait till I have a reasonable amount in my paypal account and go mad buying shoes.
: )

Thursday, September 22, 2005

MacExpo + other trivia

I registered [ and got a free ticket ] just INCASE i happen to have enough money to buy some shiny white goodies in october.
I'm not sure if I'll go, but it seemed daft not to get the freebie .

I have bids on 2 of my things on ebay.

I have had more people comment on the necklace that my mum bought me for my birthday [ a beautiful piece of polished green amber in a chunky silver assymmetrical setting ] than on anything else I have ever worn.

Morrisons strike has been called off while they get to rips with the details of redundancy pack ages and which depots are actually going to close.

Rumours abound that the Aylesford depot is to be sold as a going concern to another supermarket chain.

I love tinned tomato's.

I love the JCB video that goes with the song of the same name from Nizlipi.

autumn mornings

I woke to Canada Geese honking over the river and a thick fog draped over the garden.
My normal view across the valley completely obscured by the chilly cloud.

Autumn mornings have arrived with a vengeance.

And so sadly had the resultant traffic chaos.

I really ought to find out the code for my radio. Its been out since I ran down the battery and had to get a jump start, and I can't find the note the guy from the sales office gave me with it on, so I have been radioless since then.
It doesnt bother me too much, but when traffic suddenly just stops and you sit there for 5 minutes with nothing moving, you REALLY need the traffic information.

Thats what happened to me this morning...a bit of fog and it all goes haywire.

I ended up taking the normally scenic route to work, which translates as crawling down winding counrty roads hoping that no idiot is trying to overtake the car coming towards you, and getting stuck in 25 minute queues trying to turn right out of a blind road.

I was only 35 minutes late.
[ smacks self and gives self a stern telling off for starting the sighing thing again ]

The rest of the day was suitably mentally foggy so I will cover it in a shroud of amnesia and just add that we finished late and will still have to sort out the books tomorrow because they didn't balance.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005



As in ' I have a broken flange, please don't wobble it'

Ok, so it may not LOOK all that funny, but it sounds extremely odd when you say it.
Sort of rude and crusty all at the same time.

: )

Odd Dreams

I woke remembering my dream this morning.
A lot of it has already begun to slip away from me, but the bits i remember are these.

Being in a small room that had 2 doors without locks where I had to get changed and having to keep people out while i did.

Being back at school but still with my tattoos.

Having 2 girls who were supposed to be my friends run away from me when they were supposed to be showing me the way, and being able to hear their voices but not knowing where they came from.

Feeling that i ought to have known that it would happen, turning round and finding my own way round beautiful spiraling stairs which were somehow outside in open grounds.

Meeting people who were from the countryside [ this seemed important ] but who had no idea about food/cultivation/plants and animals.

Having a group of young boys in monks robed throw rocks at me.

Being rescued in a jeep.

Watching some strange magical fight happen across a stream and discovering that the evil magician was actually my father and that one of the girls who had run away from me was actually my sister, but that neither of them knew it.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Random thoughts from a fraught day.

You know its been a bad day when all you seem to do is sigh, and today has been a dooozy of a sigh-fest.

It all started well.
I got to work on time even though the council has decided to dig up a large hole and put temporary traffic lights by it so that you sit there for 5 minutes with the road in front clearly lacking in any other traffic while you wait for the green to start.
I finished a load of jobs that I had left from yesterday and felt pretty optemistic that I'd get everything else done by the time that I left work.
But somehow as the day progressed , my sigh ratio increased.


See...I'm even doing it now.

It wasn't helped by a really irritating woman behind me in the queue at woolworths [ where I was picking up some much needed tumblers for work ] laughing loudly at every comment made by the woman being served in front.
Now this had me rather perplexed.
They obviously didn't know each other.
The woman being served wasn't saying anything funny and apart from a rather amusing expression af open mouthed astonishment every time the cashier spoke to her she didn't LOOK funny.
So why the heck was the loud and rather blousy woman behind me doing an impression of being deeply amused at every word?

It all became clear as she said in an extremely loud voice after the first woman had asked [ very reasonably I thought ] for a card in which to put the credit type gift-card she had just purchased.
"oh yes,I mean its not as if we don't have a bus to catch and it only comes one every hour"

The penny dropped.
She was being sarcastic.

So obviously I took my time getting my purse out and looking for the exact money when it came to my turn.

: )