Thursday, December 08, 2005

I don't miss it

I got sent a gift membership.

I haven't done anything with it.

I feel bad because the person who sent it obviously wanted to do something nice for me.


I haven't missed it.

I haven't even browsed it lately to see what's going on with my friends.

I even MADE myself go and look.

And i still didn't wan't to rejoin.

Most of the people that I was interested in are on msn anyway, and I hardly talk to them on there because i have no time.

I have no likelyhood of being able to go to meets.

My life is filled with things of little or no interest to them and vice versa.

I have a hard enough time keeping in touch with friends that I actually 'know'.


I have to decide what to do.

I think i'll mail the person who sent me the gift and explain that I really don't have the time to give to the site to make it worth going back, because like anything, you really only get out of it what you put in, and if in my case thats diddly-squat, then thats what I'll get back.

I used to use it as a way of thinking outloud.
Kind of like this really.


But I still feel bad.

1 comment:

Alex said...

glkdsjfhg!!!!!!!! is what i think about that place.