Friday, March 24, 2006

Heh :D

I've just choked on my tictac
And the reason?

A poster

Advertising books

titled 'swallowing grandma'

:D :D :D

*shakes head*
*shakes with laughter*

Thursday, March 23, 2006

In other news

Ive been off today with my littlest girlie, who came home from school early yeasterday with a high temperature and generally feeling low.

The big one has a temp too, and a cough, but she also had 3 mocks today, so she struggled in to school without even a complaint.
Its amazing how much she's grown up in the last few months.

So i have been busy.

I've learnt a load of stuff about the mac [see last post] and i'm gettign more familiar with the lightness of the keys on the keyboard.
Its very touchy feely, and feels positively sexy to type on, but that hasn't improved my typing skills any.

I've gone on an unsuccessful spider hunt for the littlest girlie.

I've wallpapered the newly plastered wall in the dining room.

And re-organised my bedroom.
This is mainly so i can work up here in peace if i want to now that i have the MacBook.
I got my mum to give me the desk/table that my dad used to work on rather than throw it out, and I've moved it so that its in front of the window overlooking the garden, and put the big linen chest against the opposite wall with all the cushions on it so that it can be sat on for the time being, though i need to buy some free standing shelves to go there to put my small stereo and a tv on, but it means that I've decluttered a bit and it looks much better for it.

Oh, before you drop dead with astonishment [ or at least, those of you that know just how much of a hoarder i am ] my idea of decluttering at the moment is moving the stuff onto the top floor landing till i can sort it out.
Now this isn't as bad as it sounds, as most of the stuff is toys/books of jo and em's and it had already been bagged up, but it needs seperating into charity shop/keep/throw.

i also found the bottle of Norman Hartnell 'in love' perfume that my brother found for my birthday which i was worried had been lost during the plastering.
[long story first grown up bottle of perfume emptied by said brother all over bed/very smelly/very expensive/very upset/ talked about everytime our childhood escapades are discussed/ replaced at great expense by said brother 30 years later...awwwwwwwww].

Dave is off in france today getting stuff for emmas party/big household stuff/other stuff thats loads cheaper over there.

And I've just realised I havent made my mums mothers day card yet and i really ought to post it tomorrow if she's going to get it so i'm off to sort out the stuff and make it.

more from the mac

Well, as promised [ by those who know rather more about these things than me ] I am finding my way slowly but surely around my mac.

OK, so maybe not exactly surely.
More like the first time i put on a pair of heels that were really too high, wobbly and with frequent falling off's, but its looking good.


The main problem is that I think I know what I'm doing and then i comeup against something and realise i have no idea, not only about how to do it, but how i find out how to do it either.

And when I eventually do, its so bloody obvious that its laughable.

So far i have managed to keep stuff stickied in the dock, and I've downloaded some stuff that i use all the time on my pc , but i keep forgetting how to do the equivalent of right clicking and silly stuff like that.

I have linked up with my phone via bluetooth and loaded up all my phone pics, but now they are sitting in my documents and i cant seem to get them to go to my pictures folder, or the videos to my vid folder or my contacts to.....well, you see how it is.

And I can't seem to get the audioscrobbler to work with my Itunes.

Ah well.....

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Belfry

Well, i suppose I ought to give you a brief[ish] rundown of my gala dinner and going to the races a la 'my fair lady'

We got there eventually, no thanks to my miss reading of the directions and taking a detour both ways up the M6 toll road [very scenic and free of traffic due to the £3.50 each way cost stopping most of the cars actually going on it]and adding about an hour and nearly 100 miles to our journey, before we drove up the rather rambling complex which is The Belfry.

Its a gorgeous place.
Beautifully kept greens, ducks, lakes, bars, nightclubs, and leisure club.

I sat through a rather interesting couple of promo/lecture things.

I'd sent Dave off to check in while i did the lecture thing, so all our stuff was in the room when I got back, though typically not unpacked.
So after hanging and folding etc and a snooze it was off to the gala dinner.

As expected my back caused some comment, mostly good, and i felt great in the dress, so although one of the guys on our table was a complete knob, we had a great time with good food [smoked salmon , lamb,nougat glace,good cheese] copious good wine, and fun entertainment from a young guy called erm....dominic?
Hell, i ought to know his name, he's been on the comedy club and stuff.
I'll look it up later.
And 5 gay guys singing babershop.
most of the dinner was taken up by a double act of 2 of the guests on our table who were fun, and who ended up having a couple of girlies draped round them when we left them at about 2am.
I also have vague memories of some welsh guy attempting to snog me before asking if i had a boyfriend and looking rather peaky when i pointed out a grinning Dave behind him.

A rather shaky morning breakfast followed by a hot long coach trip to Cheltenham didn't bode well, but after a couple of cups of tea, some biscuits and a brisk walk out to the track side in the freezing slightly sleety air I got more into the spirit of it all.
And yes. i drank rather more than i should have.
Rather a lot more.
I got very good at betting on the horse that was going to come in 3rd, and dave got a few winners, but I'm really not into betting.
The day was enjoyable though.

to be continued.

first MAC post

So I've got it switched on.
I've downloaded stuff.
It doesn't appear to have stayed downloaded.
But i now know how to cut and paste.
sort of.
a bit.

God, i am such a wuss.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Its getting there

But oh. so slowly.

I'm beginning to get my head round how the mac works, and yes, once I discover how it does it IS easier.
Its just so bloody hard not knowing WHY things don't work the first time.

It took me 3/4 hour just to register the bloody thing, because it asked me for other info and then wouldn't accept it when i entered it, and wouldn't go back and let me start again either.

Extreeeeeeeeemly irritating.


Eventually I did get it to the stage when I could actually start to use it.

It says something though that I am at present typing this on my normal pc downstairs.

Oh, and The Belfry was wonderful.
I will fill you in with more on that later.
hopefully on my mac.