Thursday, September 22, 2005

MacExpo + other trivia

I registered [ and got a free ticket ] just INCASE i happen to have enough money to buy some shiny white goodies in october.
I'm not sure if I'll go, but it seemed daft not to get the freebie .

I have bids on 2 of my things on ebay.

I have had more people comment on the necklace that my mum bought me for my birthday [ a beautiful piece of polished green amber in a chunky silver assymmetrical setting ] than on anything else I have ever worn.

Morrisons strike has been called off while they get to rips with the details of redundancy pack ages and which depots are actually going to close.

Rumours abound that the Aylesford depot is to be sold as a going concern to another supermarket chain.

I love tinned tomato's.

I love the JCB video that goes with the song of the same name from Nizlipi.

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