Friday, November 25, 2005

OMG its Cold!

I wish we'd managed to get the work done on our lower entrance before winter set's bloody cold sitting here with the wind seeping under the french doors and round the 'hole under the stairs' dead space room that will become the new entrance eventually.

OK, so I do happen to be sitting here in a vest top and with wet hair sqidged up on my head while I wait for my colour to take, but hey, the heating is up and it should be toasty in this room.

I spoke to my mum yesterday and she dropped into the conversation the fact that she's taken over from Steve in the chasing up the solicitor department and has been hassling her to get my Grandma's estate sorted pronto.
I mean, its not unreasonable to ask them to get their finger out when they quoted around 3 months to sort it and its been 11 months so far.


Work [ including me] are off to see Jools Holland at the Albert Hall tomorrow, but one of the girls won't be able to come after all as she has had a berevement in the family which means that the whole extended family are not expected to do anything 'enjoyable'.
At least her family didn't have to take all their furniture outside , which is what the immediate family had to do...wonderful in the start of a cold snap...and they can watch tv.

We still don't kmow the exact details of whats going to happen at the Aylesford Depot, though all the signs are saying its definitely closing, but no one's saying when.

Oh, my alarm is telling me my developing time is up, so i'd best go and see if I'm all bright red again.
I might change it next time.........
Or maybe not.
I've been blonde, from honey to platinum, I've been black, brunette, dark purple and mousy.
But this is the longest I've been anything other than the colour I was born with, and it suits my personality, so maybe I'll go on with it for a little longer.

*tootles off humming "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair"*

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