Thursday, September 22, 2005

autumn mornings

I woke to Canada Geese honking over the river and a thick fog draped over the garden.
My normal view across the valley completely obscured by the chilly cloud.

Autumn mornings have arrived with a vengeance.

And so sadly had the resultant traffic chaos.

I really ought to find out the code for my radio. Its been out since I ran down the battery and had to get a jump start, and I can't find the note the guy from the sales office gave me with it on, so I have been radioless since then.
It doesnt bother me too much, but when traffic suddenly just stops and you sit there for 5 minutes with nothing moving, you REALLY need the traffic information.

Thats what happened to me this morning...a bit of fog and it all goes haywire.

I ended up taking the normally scenic route to work, which translates as crawling down winding counrty roads hoping that no idiot is trying to overtake the car coming towards you, and getting stuck in 25 minute queues trying to turn right out of a blind road.

I was only 35 minutes late.
[ smacks self and gives self a stern telling off for starting the sighing thing again ]

The rest of the day was suitably mentally foggy so I will cover it in a shroud of amnesia and just add that we finished late and will still have to sort out the books tomorrow because they didn't balance.

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