Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Odd Dreams

I woke remembering my dream this morning.
A lot of it has already begun to slip away from me, but the bits i remember are these.

Being in a small room that had 2 doors without locks where I had to get changed and having to keep people out while i did.

Being back at school but still with my tattoos.

Having 2 girls who were supposed to be my friends run away from me when they were supposed to be showing me the way, and being able to hear their voices but not knowing where they came from.

Feeling that i ought to have known that it would happen, turning round and finding my own way round beautiful spiraling stairs which were somehow outside in open grounds.

Meeting people who were from the countryside [ this seemed important ] but who had no idea about food/cultivation/plants and animals.

Having a group of young boys in monks robed throw rocks at me.

Being rescued in a jeep.

Watching some strange magical fight happen across a stream and discovering that the evil magician was actually my father and that one of the girls who had run away from me was actually my sister, but that neither of them knew it.


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