Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Being there.

I've been thinking today.
Yeah,yeah, get the cracks over with....you know you're just dying to make them.

But anyway, as I said, I've been thinking.
Thinking about Being There.

Not the book [ which i found thought provoking but somewhat unbelievable and about which I spent a completely unproductive couple of days discussing with some much younger bods who seemed to think(amongst other things) that sex wasn't discussed between people before the 90's and that my arguments were just about rubbishing the book, but thats another post], but the reality.

I have always had someone there for me.

I can't think of a time when there hasn't been someone who I can call , someone who will talk me through it, or let me rant and hand me the tissues or the coffee.
Someone who has been able to help me emotionally and financially when I've needed it.

I have been VERY lucky.

I could look at the facts of my life and wonder at this.
Oh..perhaps it would help to clarify?
Ok, bullet point style i think.

1/.Born to an unmarried mother in the 60's when it was still very much frowned on.
2/.Left to be brought up by greatgrandmother when about 2 or 3 while mother moves to 3/.London to train to be a telephonist then a nurse.
4/.Great grandmother [ who I think of very much as my mother ] dies of cancer of the bowel and I go to live with my grandmother.

Hmmmmmm....i have lots of issues about this [4/.], given my mothers own history, and at this moment I have no wish to share them with you, but its only recently that I have come to terms with my mothers decision to let me live with them.

5/. my mum marries [ lots of issues with my dad now too]and I go to live with them in London since they can now afford a house as I've just won £1000 on the premium bonds and its enough for a deposit.
[ i had issues about that for ages as a teenager too, but given how different my life would have been had they not, i think I would have made the same decision if i had been in their shoes ]
6/.Various mild bullying stuff due to my boobs/accent/stroppiness.
7/. Married my first boyfriend.SERIOUS mistake.
8/.Erm......Oh heck lots of trivial stuff.

However, throughout the upheaval i never felt alone.

And although i didn't get on all that well with my dads family , they were also always there for me.

And the point of this?

Its important to me to be there for my family too if they should need it.

I hope I always can.

1 comment:

Alex said...

I havent read it. I guess I've alwasy had someone 'there.' After my mum died I suppose I noticed even more how many people were actually there for me. It's not the same though really, but still good to know! im glad ive got *people* now :) very glad :):):)