Sunday, December 04, 2005

Acheing fingers

I've just finished knitting a scarf for Jo and my fingers ache like mad.
Its been a while since I knitted anything and I was using the biggest kneedles I've ever used.
They were 20mm!!!!!!!!!
But even so, i was suprised by how hard it was to make myself continue.
It didn't take long to knit, only about 90 minutes, because I used some really thick wool called Bigga from Sirdar, and I suppose it was not being able to hold the needles between my fingers easily given how thick they were [ imagine a couple of bits of dowelling with sharp points, sort of vampire slaying size ] and you've more or less got it.
Jo had seen it when we went to Hobbycraft, and had asked it I would make her one, so rather than getting the etna colour I got Horizon blue for her.
I might go back later this week and get some more wool, but this time for Emma.
Or at least I will once my fingers feel more normal.

I've been having a busy day really, which is a bit of a suprise because I was up late till 3am watching silent witness, and then had to get up at 10.30 to get ready to go shopping and take Dave to work.

Would you like to know what I've been up to?
Do I really care if you do or you don't?
Am I going to tell you whether you want me to or not?
Yup, you guessed right.
I surely am.
Give a lolly to that lady on the left.

So, today I have mostly been :-
Shopping for food.
Searching for beige or black jeans for Dave.
Buying wool, and subsequently knitting a long scarf.
Buying card and twinkly sparkly things for christmas cards.
Making 4 of said christmas cards.
Searching for silver pen to write on sparkly Christmas cards.
Stomping about when am unable to find said silver pen.
Finished reading Grave Peril by Jim Butcher.
Cooked spaghetti for the girls, and stir fry veggies with udon noodles for me.
Watched Emma drool over my noodles [ for a girl who normally won't eat veggies she did an amazing job of looking like I was eating her most favoutite food ever]
Watched the Nightmare Before Christmas with Jo.
Had to watch half of it again on the +1channel because Emma came down in the middle and moaned that we hadn't called her.
Freaked when Emma suddenly told me that she needed a pair of curtains by tomorrow morning.
Sent her off to be nice to her sister and see if she would loan her one of her dressing up cloaks, when it turned out that said curtains were actually to be used as a cloak in the Girls Brigade Christmas show that she is in tommorrow night.
Put the kettle on for the 4th time without actually ending up making a coffee.


I really could do with that coffee now.
I've just realised that apart from the one that Dave brough up to me this morning when he was getting me up, I haven't had one all day.
No wonder I feel a little shaky.
Beter go make it then, I hear you thinking to your selves.
And you're completely right.
So I will.
Ta ta.


Anonymous said...

I refuse to believe that I'm the only person who read "Acheing fingers", "YES!!!!!" and "Birthdays, boys, bargains and buggeration" and assumed you'd been up to no good...

Unknown said...

Heh :D I've spilt my coffee now from laughing while i'm sitting on this chair.
you have to be very still or the gas lift bit collapses and shoots you to the floor.
And I was very definately NOT still while I jiggled as I laughed.

Alex said...

oooh knitting!! I love chincky knitting, you can do a row and it looks like you've knitted loads already! haha