Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Are they a good thing
Or a bad thing?

On one hand you get to do some awesome stuff in the name of the god of birthdays and Celebration.
On the other you're OLDER.

I haven't decided if the one is worth the other yet.
Today i'd say YES
No question.

But tomorrow..........
Tomorrow I'm going to be a whole year older.

Ah bugger it.
In my head I'm still running between 16 and 30 so should i really give a toss about how many birthdays I've had.
Does it make me a different person?
Does it make me look different overnight?
Does it make me dress/think/act differently?
No.! No it doesn't.

I've been worried about a number for heavens sake.
How dumb is that.
