Monday, March 06, 2006

What was i thinking?????

I tried on the black dress again.
With the hair not done, and the wrong shoes on.
But so i could decide which necklace to wear.

1/. Bling. big loud crystal set necklet all white and sparkly.
2/. less bling. siver dainty flower set necklet with matching bracelet and ring.
3/. even less bling. my great grandma's silver and marquesite dainty leaf and drop necklet.
4/. black and beady victorian style choker.
5/. pearl and gold with a central droplet pearl necklet.
5/. classic floating grey freshwater pearl necklet.

So I shouted to Emma to come and tell me what she thought.

And she came in and did that screwy up nose thing that she does when she thinks I'm wearing something that doesn't quite work.

so I asked her to take a pic with my phone.


I look like a bloody sausage.

Well, ok, perhaps its not that bad.
But the sheen on the satin shows off every lump that I would rather it hid.
And somehow my waist has dissappeard.

Ah bugger it.
And yes, you know it's coming.....


At least the skirt and bustier should arrive on tuesday or wednesday, and i hope they'll look better.
Otherwise i will be spending the weekend scouring the shops for something long and suitable.

*stops self reaching for the biscuits*

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm sure you'll look great! Don't stress! :)