Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Growing up

The students at my biggest girlies school had to grow up quicker than they wanted to today.

Two of their number were killed in a head on collision with a BMW on a country road last night.

I know that road.
Its a little twisty road running down a steep hill with a 90 degree bend at the bottom, and then through a villiage where there is barely room for 2 small cars to pass.
If you know it, you still have to kep your wits about you and assume that you'll meet something coming the other way that you can't see till the last minute.
And thats in daytime.
At night, its as scary as hell, and often used as a shortcut to avoid the motorway.
and there have been so many accidents there.

Most of thestudents were shaken, all of them stunned, and quite a few found it hard to cope with [ my own daughter amongst them] and went home.

She's rather more quiet than normal even now, hours after she's stopped crying, and keeps coming down to explain to me something that's happened.

One minute she's fine, and the next you can see her thinking about it, and her eyes fill, and then she blinks it away.

Suddenly they have all realised that they aren't invincible.
That they can be hurt.
That sometimes there's nothing that you can do.

And i have the knowledge that it might have been her in that car.

But for the grace of god.......


Emily said...

there's not much I can say, except how awful it is :(

hope Emma's ok


Alex said...

urk, thats horrid hun. Much love to you and yours xxxx

Unknown said...

thanks you guys.
she was fine this morning, though she didn't sleep all that well.
love to you both too.

Kitty said...

That first bloody jolt of vincibility is horrid but necessary, especially at their age. That said, how sad for everyone.

Alex said...

girls from impawhaaaa? I know the song, but I don't get the reference!