Wednesday, November 10, 2010

SWARM 2010

Swarm Light from rAndom International on Vimeo.

Carpenters Workshop Gallery / rAndom International / The Behaviour of Objects

   Doesn't that look wonderful?

Sunday, November 07, 2010

I havent laughed so much since...

Occasionally I hear about something and, although I fully intend to go and look as soon as I have access to my laptop, I dont actually get around to looking at it.
Well today I actually followed up one of those random thoughts and logged on to the BBC pages to look at the Sporting Challenges that have been going on between Chris Evans and Johnny...erm...I cant remember his surname.
Oh yes I can - it's Saunders.
[ having a senior moment there]

I'd heard the follow up days after the skateboarding challenge and thought that surely it couldnt be THAT bad?
Well, yes it could!

After I wiped away the tears [ of laughter mixed with a load of empathic ouches ] I went looking through the other footage.

Now I really like figure skating, as I've said in the past, so when I saw this video I had to watch it.

And if i thought the skateboarding was funny.............

Ah, dear, its taken me 5 minutes just to stop giggling :D

As a last thought though, well done to both of them for tackling all those sports.
I couldn't have done half as well as they have.

And if you want to see the rest [ i can recommend the gymnastics video if you're in need of cheering up ] then go to the radio 2 sporting challenge page and have a look.
It'll be time well spent.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Better Living Through Design

I can't believe that I haven't come across this website before!

Better Living Through Design is a place I stumbled upon when I clicked on a link showing a picture of a wall mounted plug socket with an associated USB port.

Admittedly part of the appeal is the 'Oh!' face made by the normal plug openings [ yes, I'm a sucker for a bit of anthropomorphism ][ and yes , I looked it up too ], but how handy is that?!

And then of course I had a poke about on the rest of the site.....
And there was this and this and this .....
And each of those lead to another wonderfully engrossing and oooh generating load of goodies to mentally fondle and stroke.

So now I'm off to go and follow up some of the links that I added to my mental 'go-and-check-it-out-later' list.

See you there.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Not quite a secret garden

A little while ago one of my friends mentioned a small community garden that nestles in a well trod part of Soho.
I was bemused....
I wander round those streets pretty regularly and often use the alley she was describing as running along side it.
I knew the church that borders the other.
But the garden.......?

So a few days ago I went and looked.
Not just that brain in neutral wandering along with my eyes open but not really seeing that is often my style of meandering from one place to another.

And there was this wonderful garden!
Peaceful, beautiful, full of people sitting, studying, hugging and just enjoying.

I mentioned it to my workmates today and one of them commented that she had seen it on her travels around london too, but had thought it was a private garden and had not looked for the entrance.

It has its own blog too, now added to those that I'll come back to regularly.

I would have liked to see the agricultural show and church fayre, but theres always next year :D

For now though, I'm just glad to find a place where I can sit and be on my way from here to there.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Just a few reasons why I love the Design Museum

The Idea of a Tree,
Designed by mischer'traxler

Extrusions, designed by Thomas Heatherwick Studio

Soma, by Ayama Serfati

I went around the Design Museum on Wednesday,  my first visit in quite a few months, and, as always, i was left awed and inspired by the exhibits.
I went because I realised that it was the last week for the Urban Africa exhibition by David Adjaye

It consists of a series of photographs plus graphical information about african countries and was thought provoking.

But as always, it was the pieces on show in the annual Brit Insurance Designs of the Year that had me wowed.
From the amazing folding plug and sugru moulding putty to the astounding BMW concept car.
Go and see this while its there.
You wont be disappointed.

Monday, August 30, 2010

British Music Experience

In the Great British Tradition of ' its a bank holiday, what shall we do? ' my family and I [ well most of us - my eldest daughter declined the dubious delights of a family outing in favour of ..... well I'm not exactly sure what, but in her mind something with way more appeal ] went to the Great British Music Experience at the O2 bubble.

Actually, for once, this was a pre planned outing rather than a total spur of the moment one.
My youngest daughter had been mosying around the internet and had come across the face the music game  and being a bit of a music nut [ not surprising given the pretty encyclopaedic knowledge of her dad and my own eclectic tastes in music ] had easily walked away with a free ticket as her prize.
Cue lots of prompting from her for said parents to get their finger out and win more tickety goodies so that we could go and see what was going on.

We were pleasantly surprised overall.
Although our initial experience was that this was a really small exhibition [ its set out around a central hub with rooms leading off representing the various decades, plus other interactive displays in that central area, so you can see most of everything as you walk in ] we were there for 3 hours just listening to and playing with the exhibits.
Some of the pieces I saved on my smart ticket to look at when i got home - a blinding idea BTW - and some I listened to all the way through.
It wasn't incredibly busy, so we didn't have to wait more than a couple of minutes for any one display item to come vacant, and most could be shared by up to 4 people.

The 2 most hands on areas did have queues.
One was a video dance booth, with a short lesson section then a video of you doing the dance that you got to keep via your smart ticket.
My family went for the ' I'll hold your bag while you make a fool of yourself '
and the ' I'm not with you ...walk off rapidly as far away as possible ' approaches, leaving me to try it out solo.

Lets just say it was not a success.

The other was the Gibson Interactive Studio 
Although we got there just half an hour after the experience opened this area was already full.
I'd wondered why the family in front of us were rushing through.
As we walked in to find them already seated at guitar, bass , keyboard and drums it all became clear.
Since it was bass that my daughter wanted to try, and since they were both in use, we wandered off to look at the other exhibits, erroneously thinking they wouldn't take long.
By the time we had looked round, i had given up any hopes of being the next discovery in the dance world, and we had wandered back, it was even more full than before, so, weighing up growl belly against gibson bass, said daughter opted for food over guitar lesson and we strolled through the gift shop,  picking up the 2nd part of our prizes on the way -  BME white canvas messenger style goodie bags with hat, pen and travel card holder.

Blinding value for a few minutes time having fun doing a music quiz on the internet!

The growly tummy syndrome was cured by a visit to the S&M cafe [ thats Sausage and Mash ] also at the O2.
Lashings of gravy drenched sausage and mash for me, Oodles of all day breakfast for him and Yummy baked potato for her followed by gloriously gloopy puds for afters.

Altogether a great day out was had by all.

I decided to drive to the O2 rather than go by train since it would have meant going in to london then out again, and so had to use the O2 car park.
Parking cost £7 for the 4 hours approx that we were there, but it was easy to get to, clearly marked on the A2 and only a few minutes walk from the car park its self [ we were in car park No2 ]
The only downside was the getting out of the car park.
The angle that you have to approach the exit meant that my arms werent long enough to insert my ticket into the slot.
I had to reverse and straighten 3times before I could reach it!!!!!!!!!
Now I may only be 5'2"and have arms in proportion , but I am NOT a rubbish driver.
My car has a good steering circle, it doesnt have a long bonnet or anything else to make it hard to get it into a small gap, and I have had tons of practice at taking the right line to get me clear of a ticket machine while still ending up close enough to insert said ticket.
So having to reverse 3 times is an unheard of occurrence.
 Whats going on O2?
I am just totally grateful that I didnt have anyone behind me while I was shimmying into position.

Oh, and while I'm having a moan.....
The only indication of where to go at the entrance of the O2 are some album sized markers on the floor, which peter out at one point, and a couple of large general banners above your head.
For people with normal vision its not too bad - though we did come to a confused halt on the way in when the floor markers stopped - but it would be impossible for anyone with reduced vision.
Guys .... when you design these things, forget that you know where you're going and pretend that everyone's partially sighted and confused and IMPROVE YOR SIGNAGE.
Thank you.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

1:1 - Architects Build Small Spaces

While i was in London on my weekly jaunt to my favourite city I wandered in to the V&A
I recently added membership of this august and inspiring museum to the ever increasing stack of cards that fills my purse because i realised that it was fast overtaking the Design Museum as the most likely place to find me, and the membership has paid for its-self already due to its magic free entry properties at the exhibitions they host.
In particular the Grace Kelly exhibition [ still on as we speak and well worth a visit ] had me feeling like a mini celeb as people in front of me were turned away because they hadn't pre booked [ it was -really- busy ] and i was waved through at a flash of my shiny new membership card.

I didn't need the card yesterday however, because i was looking at the 1:1 - Architects Build Small Spaces exhibition, which is free!
There were some amazing concepts, and i loved the information given on the shortlisted projects that didn't get to be built as well as those that did.

My personal favourite has to be this.

Its inscribed inside with words from an old Norse poem, it sits on a base of wood chippings encased in mesh that look like cooled lava flows until you look closer.
Its by Helen And Hard Architects  and there's a video here which explains the concept.

There were lots of other amazing builds too, including a spiral staircase with performance booths of red velvet that could be opened or shut for different uses which I'm sad to have missed  in action, but  this installation touched me on a deeper, less conscious level than the others.

Its the kind of space i would love to have in my garden, for sitting inside and thinking, or just to enjoy the sense of peace it gave me.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Knit a Squid

I was looking around for things to do on my day off next week and came across stitch a squid at the Natural History Museum
Not that its any use for next week, because its tomorrow, but I think I'll grab the chance to go along while I'm on holiday and can actually get there early enough to get to.

Its part of the Relax, Unwind and Enjoy after hours programme at the Museum.
Sadly the last of the year I think.

I signed up for the Stitch London while I was at it.
I normally have some knitting stashed away in my bag, and have often wondered about joining a stitch and bitch group, but most meet on the same evening every week and start way too early for me to get to under normal circumstances.
This one changes its venue and day each time though, so hopefully I can get to go on the random evenings when I'm wandering around London.

Edited Friday 27th august

Knit a Squid was fun!
There were loads of people there.
Possibly because of its being advertised on the museum website as well as being a normal Stitch London meet.
It was really friendly though :D
I didnt knit a squid myself, although lessons and patterns were available.
I carried on making the scarf that has been my project since February when my aunt sent me part of her stash.
She had found some beautiful silk wool in a shop, but there was only about 100grammes of it, and she couldn't decide what to make, so when she saw the hat I'd knitted for my daughter she thought it would be perfect.
When i got it, I decided it was far too gorgeous a yarn to use for a hat, so i found a suitable lace pattern and started the scarf.
Being a somewhat intermittent knitter, its still not finished, though I'm hoping that by Xmas it will be winging its way back as a thank you.
Pictures of finished item will no doubt surface in a later blog, so give a cheer if you see them and know i will have sighed with relief and satisfaction as i cast off the last stitch.


Sadly It doesnt look like I'll get to see this.
I hadn't realised it was so soon, and I cant see me getting the time to go.
Ah well.... maybe another time.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Perfect Line

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but for me there is a perfect line between the sole and heel of a shoe.
I've never measured it, but I can see at a glance if a shoe has it, and it makes the difference between something that you wear on your feet to keep them dry and safe and something that makes you feel sexy, thinner and drop dead gorgeous.

Many designers produce the odd one or two that fit my criteria, but Terry De Havilland is king of the perfect line in my eyes.

If you want to know what I'm talking about, go and look here
or try and drag your eyes away from the model and get a load of whats on her feet in this you tube offering.

If i won a couple of grand on the lottery, i wouldn't be getting a face lift, or employing a personal trainer to get me in shape, I'd be buying a couple of pairs of custom made Margeaux.
Makes me sigh just thinking about it.

Update 26th August.
I hope I'll get a chance to go and see  Shoes on stage at Sadlers Wells  later this year.
Not only is it about shoes, but it features thigh boots by Terry De Havilland.


I dont know about you, but I love looking at photographs.
I can spend hours browsing random selections on Flickr , so iI guess its no big shock to know that I regularly get sucked in to the photos in jpg magazine
I've shied away from a real subscription, given that i am such a hoarder [ both online and off ] but i feel bad about not supporting excellent publications like this with some of my hard earned cash.
So I'm doing the next best thing.
I'm telling you about it so you can go spend some of yours.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010


Well, here we are again, 18+months on and very little has changed.
I'm skipping over the fact that during this time I hit 50.
Hit it, crashed through it with my fingers in my ears and my eyes shut tight , ignoring all cards and well wishers, and trying hard to forget this [hopefully] insignificant fact.
At some later date , when I have taken the concept to my bosom, and forced it into the shape that I want it to be, i may expound on this event, but for now thats as many lines as i'm going to give it.

So to push on.....
I love this magazine.

One day I'll even buy the paper version so i can thumb its pages till they are dog eared and soft.
I assume it DOES have a paper version?
*goes and looks*
Yes, it says it has a print version.
I dont look at is as often as I should, but whenever i do , I find at least 2 or 3 amazing pieces that send me off in directions new , or images that have me shaking my head in wonder at the range of talent that there is in the world.

Todays random flick through its pages have not left me wanting.
Or rather they have....

Wanting to open one of these....
Designer Ice Lolly Shop

Wanting to own some of these....
Swing Sunglasses

And wanting to go to this....
Enchanted Palace
Now I'm off to see what other joys are lurking in its pages.
Hopefully i wont be away so long this time.