Saturday, August 28, 2010

1:1 - Architects Build Small Spaces

While i was in London on my weekly jaunt to my favourite city I wandered in to the V&A
I recently added membership of this august and inspiring museum to the ever increasing stack of cards that fills my purse because i realised that it was fast overtaking the Design Museum as the most likely place to find me, and the membership has paid for its-self already due to its magic free entry properties at the exhibitions they host.
In particular the Grace Kelly exhibition [ still on as we speak and well worth a visit ] had me feeling like a mini celeb as people in front of me were turned away because they hadn't pre booked [ it was -really- busy ] and i was waved through at a flash of my shiny new membership card.

I didn't need the card yesterday however, because i was looking at the 1:1 - Architects Build Small Spaces exhibition, which is free!
There were some amazing concepts, and i loved the information given on the shortlisted projects that didn't get to be built as well as those that did.

My personal favourite has to be this.

Its inscribed inside with words from an old Norse poem, it sits on a base of wood chippings encased in mesh that look like cooled lava flows until you look closer.
Its by Helen And Hard Architects  and there's a video here which explains the concept.

There were lots of other amazing builds too, including a spiral staircase with performance booths of red velvet that could be opened or shut for different uses which I'm sad to have missed  in action, but  this installation touched me on a deeper, less conscious level than the others.

Its the kind of space i would love to have in my garden, for sitting inside and thinking, or just to enjoy the sense of peace it gave me.

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