Thursday, September 29, 2005

Happy Happy happy

Its finished.
I love it.
I feel like a puppy who's discovered his tail for the first time....all I want to do is get a good look at it so I keep squirming round to try and get a good look.
: D

Monday, September 26, 2005

Woo : D

Lots of good things today.

I bought:
2 big dangly black spiders with 8 foot legs.
Some orange and black ballons.
2 big spiders webs to go on the walls
A spooky ghostly shape light display.

I arranged to borrow a smoke machine.

I looked up some greusome recipes like bath water potion, and deadmens fingers and maggot suprise.

I arranged to leave work early on the day of the party.

I found out that one of my friends got engaged on a romantic holiday.

I found out another friend got offered a job.

I listened to a hilarious radio broadcast about internet porn.

I discovered that 5 of the things I'm selling on ebay have bids on them, and loads of people watching.

I got my latest box from the Chocolate Tasting Club full of gorgeous fresh chocolates.

I am a happy bunny.
: D

Sunday, September 25, 2005

What have I let myself in for?

The littlest girlie's birthday falls smack bang in the middle of the main school hols and so her birthday party has to be either way before the event itsself, or as soon as they go back [ resulting in everyone thinking she's a year older than she is ].

This year we just haven't been organised enough, and although I took her and a friend to the design museum to make surfing related goodies [ t shirts/flip-flops/necklaces ]as a birthday treat i haven't organised an actual party for her.

In a soft moment....
I agreed that she can have a Halloween costume party instead.

Am i stupid or what?
: )