This is a training exercise for the stuff that I will no doubt talk to myself loudly about in the sreet once my marbles go completely, because I absolutely intend to grow old disgracefully. In the unlikely event that this should be read by someone who actually knows the flesh and blood me, please note that all opinions, mad ideas and general thought-streams are mine alone and have no bearing on those of my employers, workmates or relatives [ blood or otherwise ]
Friday, January 06, 2006
Counting down
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
OK, so I can hear all you lot out thare wondering what I'm going on about...
Well, i lie actually.
what I can hear is the rapid pressing of the next blog button as you decide theres nothing here for you.
Well, hold on just a minute, you instant-judgement-making- tappy-fingered-people.
What I'm referring to, with tones of awe and reverence in my voice, is the 2006 European figure Skating championships.
You know, that thing thats in my links over there ----------->
Erm, well, it might be more
So sue me for not knowing how far down the page i put it.
Just go look .
And be awed by all that fit, lycra encased, slippy-slidyness of talent.
*slaps the rude kids round the head*
No, thats Not what I meant!
Actually I have an admission to make .
I've just had to text my friends to find out where we're staying and which day we're travelling on.
*hangs head in shameful exasperation at my own crap planning*
See, it's not my fault.
They say "Do you want to go?"
I say "Bloody-Hell-Yes-try-and-stop-me-if-you-can-where-did-I-pack-my-woolly-hat
[ at this point they all jump on me and make me calm down]
and then my bit is all done.
I just turn up and we go.
Well, we go and I generally get stopped at customs and my bag searched.
Or I get stuck in the ticket machine.
Don't laugh!..I DO, and its not nice*sniff*
Last time the Eurostar machine rejected every one of my tickets, but I got the better of the Metro and managed not to get stuck inbetween the doors once!
The thing is, Lyon is an unknown for me, and i have no idea what strange stroppy bits of machinery are waiting to gang up on me so that my friends end up wetting themselves as i try and get through jammed turnstiles, recalcitrant slising doors and any number of otherwise innocuous barriers.
I think i should pack some WD40 just incase......
Thursday, January 05, 2006
sore boob
sore boob
Originally uploaded by tobieforever.
Ow,ow,ow and more ow.
Dave rolled over and squashed my nip in bed last night and now its as sore as anything.
And to think i was toying with getting them pierced!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Originally uploaded by tobieforever.
I've collected eggs since I was about 13, but somehow these are all I can find.
Lizzie seems to like them in their new bowl though.
Monday, January 02, 2006
New Year / New Me?
I've never been good with the whole Pub/N.Years thing, and although I love family parties with grannies jitterbugging and littlies doing the whole sugarbabes type dance stuff I've always prefered spending New Years in.
Strange, given that I love Christmas parties [ and somehow never get to do that anymore ] but I'm sure if I delved deep enough inside my memories I'd find some event which has shaped my responses.
So this Year was no different, with a couple of bottles of white, some silly stuff, and hugging at midnight.
I felt a bit sad for Emma, given that hse stayed up for it and it really was rather anticlimatic for her.
Maybe I'll do something next year.
Get the family together or something.
It IS possible.
Oh, hang on, let me think here....
Steve always goes up to Town and leaves his girls with Mum.
Paul vanishes off the face of the earth for the week.
Dave isn't on speaking terms with his Dad.
Ah, well, maybe we'll just get some friends over for the evening.........
[ cut to this time next year when I haven't done anything different:D ]
I did make some new years resolutions [ and I wrote that in lower case for a very good reason...I'm trying to actually do them this year and so I'm trying to make them pretty low key ]
My first, and I have to admit I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now, is to eat something green with every meal.
Its my way of trying to up my veggie count and generally eat a little more healthily.
Its going pretty well too.
My food looks prettier too, instead of a kind of nondescript yellow/brown/beige pile on the plate.
My second is to get more active.
And yes that means re-joining the gym.
Emma has suggested that we go as a family on either saturday afternoons or sunday mornings, and either just mess around in the pool or for her and I to go to the gym while Dave and jo swim.
I'm really going to try and make that work, because I think it will be good for us as a family to do something together like that.
Emma has a new bike and says she'll take herself off to swim once a week.
I want to get in the habit of going to the gym on my day off.
Dave wants to swim at leats twice a week especially as the Dr has said that he has to lose quite a bit of weight too and he has always loved swimming.
Jo just loves bouncing around in the wter, so as long as one of us is with her she'll be happy.
I dont think i have a third.
Like I said I'm trying to make these actually happen, and if I can get these 2 going then everything ese falls into place around it.
I lose weight when I excersize, but I don't if I diet.
What happens is that my eating habits change.
I eat more protein and less carbs.
I get less hungry.
My willpower increases, and I don't HAVE to finish a whole box/bar/pack of chocolates.
I do have a tendency to get a little adicted to training, but thats not a bad thing.
So I started this morning and did 3 sets of 15 rep bicep curls, tricep thingies [ ok i've forgotten what they're called ] shoulder raises and then 3 sets of 20 crunches.
Except my crunches were more like slurps.
But I have faith, they will get firmer and snappier and more crunch like.
I'm going to re-arrange my bedroom so I can get my bench set up in there, and I'll dust off my 5' bar so i can do some squats too.
Wish me luck.