I think I'm a sure case for senile dementia when I get older.
Yesterday I got in to work and realised as i looked at all the cars packed into our tiny car park that i may have made a mistake somewhere, a thought which was confirmed when I strolled in to see my cover walk past.
Yup, I had gone into work on my day off.
And its not the first time either.
I'm putting it down to the fact that I was still tired from the weekend.
I went up to Harrogate for Emily's wedding.
It was glorious, She was glorious, the Venue was glorious.
The drive there and back was less glorious.
And i will draw a veil over my inability to follow directions when dropping friends off in London.
I also went to my God daughters 21'st birthday party.
No...not on the same weekend...I would have totally flaked if I'd had to do them both on the same weekend.
It was a fancy dress party, and I had fun making the costumes, and less fun wearing mine, but millions of laughs seeing everyone in theirs.
The guy in the middle was such a cute tease, and a complete sweetie.
How come I never met guys like him when i was single and young enough to enjoy them ;D
What else ?....
Oh, I got to play with fire extinguishers today, and pulled the most disgusting masss of hair from my showers plughole.
The first was fun.
The second was gross, and has resulted in a stern talking to for both of my girlies about not letting masses of hair get in there when they shower.
I mean, Dave is very nearly bald, my hair is short , but jo has shoulder length hair while emma's is down to the middle of her back, so the chances are its them shedding madly that caused the blockage.
So now they have to brush before they get in and clear the plug when they get out and I hope it wont get like that again.