Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Perfect Line

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but for me there is a perfect line between the sole and heel of a shoe.
I've never measured it, but I can see at a glance if a shoe has it, and it makes the difference between something that you wear on your feet to keep them dry and safe and something that makes you feel sexy, thinner and drop dead gorgeous.

Many designers produce the odd one or two that fit my criteria, but Terry De Havilland is king of the perfect line in my eyes.

If you want to know what I'm talking about, go and look here
or try and drag your eyes away from the model and get a load of whats on her feet in this you tube offering.

If i won a couple of grand on the lottery, i wouldn't be getting a face lift, or employing a personal trainer to get me in shape, I'd be buying a couple of pairs of custom made Margeaux.
Makes me sigh just thinking about it.

Update 26th August.
I hope I'll get a chance to go and see  Shoes on stage at Sadlers Wells  later this year.
Not only is it about shoes, but it features thigh boots by Terry De Havilland.

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