i didn't used to beleive my grandparents when they said that life speeds up as you get older until after I had children of my own.
Then time began to change.
Life began to kick in to overdrive.
Or perhaps it's just my perception of time thats clicked over a notch or two.
Either way I blink and a week or a month has gone, whoosh, leaving me with a blurred mushed together series of after images.
Lately I've been trying to change things down a gear, with mixed success.
My meds [ for my lovely lovely thyroid problem ] weren't working properly, leaving me with numerous symptoms that were all pretty innocuous individually, but when added together left me like some aching, lethargic blob.
Luckily my blood test confirmed that it was my thyroxine level that needed boosting, so I'm now popping an extra tab and beginning to feel more normal.
Well, if normal can be used to describe me :D
So....what have I got up to now the aches are a fading memory?
Well, I managed to fit in going to see the Out of the Ordinary exhibition at the V&A.
There were some amazing exhibits , but I think my favourite was the lung made from blown glass, and lit so that it almost fluouresced.
We had our works Christmas Do in feb too, and got taken to see the Cirque du Soleil at the Albert Hall.
I wasn't sure what to expect , but it was an amazing spectacle and I had a great evening.
Then came the downside.
I had a couple of nights of uncomfortable wear in my lenses, and like a twit, didn't get anyone to check that everything was ok until it got REALLY uncomfortable.
By which time i had got a corneal ulcer.
If you look carefully you can see a tiny white spot at about 10'o'clock on my cornea....actually, given how the photo has loaded its about at 7 o clock in this blog....hard to see given the blood-shot runny nature of my eye, but it's there.
Believe me, the little bugger is making its presence felt in a major way.
Painful doesn't even half go there.
Arrrggghhhhhhhhhhh, more like.
So to cheer myself up I've just booked to go and see Jose Gonzalez in April.
*bounces a bit*
Oh, and now it's time for my hourly dose of chloramphenicol.
And something that makes it taste better.
Not that i drink the stuff you understand....its just that it runs down the back of my throat when i put it in my eyes and then i can taste it for ages.
I hope it heals soon.