Saturday, December 10, 2005

Tooth Update

There seems to be very little pain for which I am extremely grateful.
Dave is taking Jo to our normal dentist first thng monday morning to let them see the damage and see what they suggest, but one of my patients is a dentist specialising in childrens teeth, and she's really lovely, so I'm also going to hunt out her contact details and give her a call.
The last thing I want is for Jo to grow up with a complex about her teth looking bad, and since she's already said a couple of times that her teeth are 'ugly' now, I would rather get them sorted sooner than later.

As far as the other child is concerned, I'm going to see what happens for a couple of days, then speak to the headmistress again once I know what we'll need to do to get her teeth fixed and see if I can get some background into why it might have happened.

Jo thinks that he thought that she was trying to take some football stickers off the little boy she was playing with, becuase when she bumped into him he dropped them and she was helping to pick them up, but since he didn't even ask what was happening, and Jo and the other boy are friends , I'm rather concerned about why he reacted with such force.

The strange thing is that her Headmistress said that she had spoken to the teachers on duty in the playground and they hadn't seen any indication that he was going to do anything violent when he walked up to them.
Completely unprovoked and out of the blue.
So I don't know if this was completely out of chatacter or if he's prone to lashing out.
Either way, just keeping him in at playtime for a week doesn't seem enough of a punishment, though I'm rather glad that he's being kept away from Jo, just incase he starts again.

One Day Later

Jo got into bed with us sometime around 3 last night saying she'd had a bad dream.
Not unexpected really.
She cuddled up to me for a while then decided she wanted to be the 'filling in a mummy/daddy/baby' sandwich and stomped all over me as she moved positions, then talked to Dave for half an hour till he went for a pee and then sidled off downstairs to sleep on the sofa.
Eventually she decided our bed was less comfortable, went downstairs to her room, talked to Dave for another 15 minutes and eventually fell back to sleep again, so back came Dave, waking me up again as he snugged up to me with his cold arse.

So this morning I'm pretty tired.

Jo on the other hand seems fine.

She got fussed over by Grandma and her cousin Lucy and made some more christmas cards and stuff.
She's aso trying to decide how to raise money for the RSPB and is debating making cakes and selling them.
I'm guessing she's expecting us all to buy loads, so I'd better make sure they are edible when she does.

Emma has gone shopping with her friends today, with a visit to the hairdressers thrown in for good measure.
She's sent me a message showing her hair, and I'd not realised how long it had gotten.
Its reaching down to the middle of her back again.
She's had it all layered so it hangs nicely and frames her face better at the front, and once she's back from her holiday she's going to get it coloured too, though I'm not completely clear what she has in mind on that score.
Its strange how things come full circle .
The girls that she's shopping with are the ones that were bullying her a couple of years back, but now it all seems fine.
I was concerned to begin with that it was all going to blow up again, but it seems they have all had long deep talks about what happened and how they all felt and have agreed to put it behind them.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Hello, this is Jo's school...I'm afraid there's been an incident.

Those are the words that make your stomach go sick and your hands clammy as you hold the phone and try not to cry.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been, thank god, but that didn't stop my brain going into overdrive when i heard the secretary on the line.

It seems that one of the year 3 boys took exception to how Jo was playing with her friends [ not with him you undertand..he was just watching them play ] in the school payground at lunch, and decided to walk over, headbutt her, breaking 2 of her front teeth in the process and then walk off.

Yeah, thats 2 of her ADULT front teeth.

It doesn't look all that bad.....
The lower one is all sharp and pointy, and the upper one is about 2 mm shorter than it was and all jagged, but it might have been far worse.
And typically our dentists and the other one nearby were both closed today for some reason, so we haven't been able to get them looked at yet.

She doesn't seem to be in too much pain, but they are really sensitive, and she's all shaken and in need of hugs.
Actually I'm not sure which of us needs the hugs more, me or her.

Dave was closest so he got a cab to school and picked her up, and for once was calmly angry rather than shouting angry.
I mean, like he said, the boy that did it was only 7 or 8, so he could hardly shout at him, especially as he was aparently really shaken at the damage he'd done.
But we are both still a bit sick feeling.

I had to drag Emma out of her work experience to come home with me too, but she was really worried when she heard what had happened and gave her a massive hug when she got home.

Jo seems much better at the moment.
She's making xmas cards.
But I'm not sure how she will be when its bed time.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I don't miss it

I got sent a gift membership.

I haven't done anything with it.

I feel bad because the person who sent it obviously wanted to do something nice for me.


I haven't missed it.

I haven't even browsed it lately to see what's going on with my friends.

I even MADE myself go and look.

And i still didn't wan't to rejoin.

Most of the people that I was interested in are on msn anyway, and I hardly talk to them on there because i have no time.

I have no likelyhood of being able to go to meets.

My life is filled with things of little or no interest to them and vice versa.

I have a hard enough time keeping in touch with friends that I actually 'know'.


I have to decide what to do.

I think i'll mail the person who sent me the gift and explain that I really don't have the time to give to the site to make it worth going back, because like anything, you really only get out of it what you put in, and if in my case thats diddly-squat, then thats what I'll get back.

I used to use it as a way of thinking outloud.
Kind of like this really.


But I still feel bad.

Whaaaaaa?* drool*..Sleeping?, Me?, welllllll........

I am so tired.
I really need to go to the doctors and get my thyroid levels checked, but I just seem to get to 8pm every day and realise that yet again I haven't had time to ring the surgery.

Missing my day off didn't help, 'cos I usually catch a couple of hours during the day and kind of re-stock my energy levels, but I don't think it made that much difference.

I really need to ring them to get a repeat prescription sorted too.
I finished my last pack of thyroxine...let me think...erm...well....long enough ago that I can't remember the date.

OK. You don't need to shout.
I KNOW I should be better at taking them, but I really thought that I had another pack in the medicine drawer, and I was wrong.
And then I can't just ring up and ask for another, I have to speak to the dr, and they are not easy to get hold of, especially when you're at work.
And, OK, I know i'm just making excuses too......

I really really really MUST ring them tomorrow.

I have another call to make too, but at least Emma should remind me about this one.
As I mentioned before [ I think } she's doing work experience at the moment, and having fun in a fashion design studio.
The problem is that it sems that the placement was only for a week, altthough the school told her it was for 2.
So now she has no where to go for her second week.


I spoke to my boss and he's fine with her coming to work with me for the 2nd week.
I mean she's been kind of doing that anyway, cos they work quite short hours and she's been finishing at 3 or 3.30 most days, so she's been helping out with me while she's waited to go home.
We just need to clear it with school, given how hot they are on checking that its a suitable placement and all.
I hope there wont be a problem since its their cock up, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cold Evenings and Hot Toddys

Ok, so you cant really call a big mug of milky coffee liberally laced with masses of Baileys a hot toddy exactly, but when you've just got in and its so cold that walking from the car to the front door freezes you into a walking Viennetta then i think it's ok to bend the facts a little.

Its that bloody icy wind that does it.


It might also have had something to do with the fact that i'd just nipped out to the car wearing a tshirt and not put my coat on.....

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Acheing fingers

I've just finished knitting a scarf for Jo and my fingers ache like mad.
Its been a while since I knitted anything and I was using the biggest kneedles I've ever used.
They were 20mm!!!!!!!!!
But even so, i was suprised by how hard it was to make myself continue.
It didn't take long to knit, only about 90 minutes, because I used some really thick wool called Bigga from Sirdar, and I suppose it was not being able to hold the needles between my fingers easily given how thick they were [ imagine a couple of bits of dowelling with sharp points, sort of vampire slaying size ] and you've more or less got it.
Jo had seen it when we went to Hobbycraft, and had asked it I would make her one, so rather than getting the etna colour I got Horizon blue for her.
I might go back later this week and get some more wool, but this time for Emma.
Or at least I will once my fingers feel more normal.

I've been having a busy day really, which is a bit of a suprise because I was up late till 3am watching silent witness, and then had to get up at 10.30 to get ready to go shopping and take Dave to work.

Would you like to know what I've been up to?
Do I really care if you do or you don't?
Am I going to tell you whether you want me to or not?
Yup, you guessed right.
I surely am.
Give a lolly to that lady on the left.

So, today I have mostly been :-
Shopping for food.
Searching for beige or black jeans for Dave.
Buying wool, and subsequently knitting a long scarf.
Buying card and twinkly sparkly things for christmas cards.
Making 4 of said christmas cards.
Searching for silver pen to write on sparkly Christmas cards.
Stomping about when am unable to find said silver pen.
Finished reading Grave Peril by Jim Butcher.
Cooked spaghetti for the girls, and stir fry veggies with udon noodles for me.
Watched Emma drool over my noodles [ for a girl who normally won't eat veggies she did an amazing job of looking like I was eating her most favoutite food ever]
Watched the Nightmare Before Christmas with Jo.
Had to watch half of it again on the +1channel because Emma came down in the middle and moaned that we hadn't called her.
Freaked when Emma suddenly told me that she needed a pair of curtains by tomorrow morning.
Sent her off to be nice to her sister and see if she would loan her one of her dressing up cloaks, when it turned out that said curtains were actually to be used as a cloak in the Girls Brigade Christmas show that she is in tommorrow night.
Put the kettle on for the 4th time without actually ending up making a coffee.


I really could do with that coffee now.
I've just realised that apart from the one that Dave brough up to me this morning when he was getting me up, I haven't had one all day.
No wonder I feel a little shaky.
Beter go make it then, I hear you thinking to your selves.
And you're completely right.
So I will.
Ta ta.


John has retained hs title and is the British Mens Figure Skating Champion for 2006.
:D :D :D

I wish I could have been there to see him skate, but time and cash just didn't allow it.
Still, at least I'll get to watch him do his stuff in January when I go to the Europeans.

I'm completely chuffed for him.