Thursday, April 06, 2006


I bought the biba book on my last shopping trip to waterstones.

Pixar and stuff

Yesterday I got to do loads of stuff that I like doing.
I got to see the Pixar exhibition at the Science Museum.

I got to drink tea and talk to one of my fave people.
In one of my fave places.

I bought lots of sweetie type goodies for my girlies [ and for me ].

I stuffed my face with loads of meaty goodness at one of my fave restaurants.

I bought a shirt from M+S.

I saw a woman on an old pushbike cycling through Soho singing an aria at the top of her voice.

And perched in an apparently random fashion on the edge of a blockbrick warehouse, a beautiful piece of old church architecture with a large stained glass window.

I really must take time to take the photos that I've logged in my head sometimes as I travel .
There's a view from waterloo east station across the roofs and chimneypots that sit level with the platform, a twisted silhouette, black and ivory of 2 trees that is just glorious in a field on my way to work, at least 2 hidden gates going no-where, just relics of old walkways long disused and so much more.
Things that I pass by and see, unable to stop as I drive or rattle inside a railway cariage.
I wonder if that lone foxglove will show again this year?
And I wonder if THIS time I'll get to capture it.