Sunday, October 16, 2005

music to cut your throat to.

bloody hell i listen to a lot of rubbish when i feel down.
Well....not rubbish exactly, but jesus......
Don't know what I mean?
Well, get a load of this lot.

Run to him - Bobby Vee
I don't wanna talk about it - Indigo Girls
You can't always get what you want - the Rolling Stones
Would I lie to you - Eurythmics
Queen bitch - Bowie
Who wants to live forever - Queen
Hoy es adios - Santana
Sunny - Bobby Hebb
Sorrow - The Merseys.

I could go on forever
I own such a collection of music to slit your wrists to.
Trouble is I listen to a couple and the I get all 'what the hell are they going on about' and start closing them as they start and going on to the next track.
I guess I'm just not built for wallowing in self pity.
Not much....

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