Monday, August 23, 2010


Well, here we are again, 18+months on and very little has changed.
I'm skipping over the fact that during this time I hit 50.
Hit it, crashed through it with my fingers in my ears and my eyes shut tight , ignoring all cards and well wishers, and trying hard to forget this [hopefully] insignificant fact.
At some later date , when I have taken the concept to my bosom, and forced it into the shape that I want it to be, i may expound on this event, but for now thats as many lines as i'm going to give it.

So to push on.....
I love this magazine.

One day I'll even buy the paper version so i can thumb its pages till they are dog eared and soft.
I assume it DOES have a paper version?
*goes and looks*
Yes, it says it has a print version.
I dont look at is as often as I should, but whenever i do , I find at least 2 or 3 amazing pieces that send me off in directions new , or images that have me shaking my head in wonder at the range of talent that there is in the world.

Todays random flick through its pages have not left me wanting.
Or rather they have....

Wanting to open one of these....
Designer Ice Lolly Shop

Wanting to own some of these....
Swing Sunglasses

And wanting to go to this....
Enchanted Palace
Now I'm off to see what other joys are lurking in its pages.
Hopefully i wont be away so long this time.

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