Monday, February 27, 2006


These had half a day to go on ebay, and were only up to £21 and she's gone and ended her auction early.


I mean, i would have bid far higher than that.

I was going to start first thing in the morning since they were set to finish at 7.45 am, and i would have happily paid more than twice that , since Emma really liked them.

But no.

She ended early.



I will have to be content with these two pairs of scrummy shoeness that I bought over the last couple of days .

A gorgeous pair of demonia satin pinstripes.

And this little pair of silver and crystal flatties for the summer.

Though i may have to fight Emma off for the pinstripes because she really liked thse too, and i have a nasty feeling that they may fit her better than they'll fit me, given that they're an american 7, but they were too gorgeous to not risk it and buy them.

The next question is .....

Do I buy these gorgeous bits of glossy sexiness too?



Anonymous said...

Skip the glossy ones - besides they will probably break your ankles.... although the pinstripes are worthy of injury. Very sharp.

Unknown said...

I love the black shoes...really nice...i too have a pair of timberland shoes....

Unknown said...

really excellent pics!!!!!!!I love your lines..........Your blog is great likeCaterpillar shoes........