Saturday, February 16, 2013

Blogging for work

One of the ( many and varied) reasons that I can be rather, well, lets call it 'random', in my personal blogging schedule, is that I am also in charge of writing a blog for the company that I work for.

Its called 'I love this frame', and is supposed to feature one frame per week that catches my eye and makes me go Oooooh!

Now I regularly get the Oooooh! effect at work, and you would think that once a week I'd be able to get my act together, put fingertip to keyboard, and get it down on *virtual* paper, for the delectation of the few random people who might stumble across it in the blogosphere.

And in the main I do and I have.

But It has meant that the time I had hoped would be spent adding to this, my personal blog, is often taken up by organising the data for the work one.
Especially since, although it is written on behalf of the company that I work for, I write it in my own time.

So, having noticed that I haven't written anything for myself for a while, I thought I'd give you all a taste of what goes down on the other blog.
And here it is, this weeks edition of 'I love this frame'....

Frame overload at the Vinyl Factory

Ok, I know this blog is titled 'I Love This Frame' and reading that, you'd expect to see something about a particular frame each week.
A perfectly reasonable assumption I agree.

But this week I just couldn't choose.

"Why is that?" I can see you thinking....
( Oh yes you were, don't pretend you weren't! )

I mean, with all the frames that I have to choose from in the Opticians where I work I manage to make a selection, so how come this week is different?

Well, let me fill you in on the reason for my sad lack of decision-making.

This week I had a few days off and had intended to go to a couple of trade events. ( I know, talk about busman's holiday, but hey, I love my job!)

The first was Pure.
Not an Optical event but a fashion buying one, with lots of interesting seminars highlighting the trends for autumn 2013.

Unfortunately for me, for a variety of reasons, I didn't get to go.
*sad face*

The second was The Eye Show.
This was a brand new Optical trade show, and it was getting everyone quite excited.
In the UK we already have a large Optical trade show, Optrafair, that happens every 2 years in Birmingham, but apart from one brief event quite a few years ago, there has never been anything in London.
But, *insert second sad face* it got cancelled at the last minute.

Which left me with nothing to do.
By 'nothing to do' I'm ignoring the housework / unfinished craft projects / reports for work / CET* / sickly teenager, that are waving madly at me from all corners of my house and saying "MeMeMeMe" trying to attract my attention.
( I mean that quite literally, in the case of the teenager ).

But, oh joy! Before I had to decide which was more important - pompoms or lemsip** - I discovered that some brilliant people had set up a pop up event to showcase some of the brands that had been going to exhibit at the Eye Show.

So I bundled up against the snow, grabbed my trusty train pass and made my way over to Soho to have a shufti.
I didn't even get distracted by Choccywoccydoodah or Irregular Choice on the way!

And the reward for my diligence and single mindedness, was an array of frames that were beautiful to behold!

There were featherlight, innovative frames and bespoke, personalised ones.

 There were catwalk featured, couture frames and high street on-trend versions.
There were Swiss frames who's finish and quality made you want to handle and stroke them because they felt so wonderful!
There were amazingly ornate, jewel encrusted Parisienne works of art, and examples of classic English craftsmanship.
There were re-worked versions of frames worn in classic films, and by Hollywood legends.
 There were funky, fun, flower inspired children's frames.
There were award winning frames, and personalised lenses.

There were rimless frames, chunky frames, feather light and flexible frames.
Acetate frames, Titanium frames and Wood frames.
Retro frames and almost invisible frames.
Frames in every colour, finish, shape and size.
Oh, the bliss!
( Don't look at me like that ... I LOVE frames! )

It was like being given a Wonka Gold ticket!

There were even showgirls!

And an afterparty!
( yes I have photo's, no I'm NOT going to add them )

So no, this week I don't have a single frame to show you.
I was in love with them all!

( And if i was excited this week, I hate to think how I'll be in a few weeks time when we go on our visit Mido in Milan! )

Next week normal service will be resumed as I calm down over the weekend with copious amounts of coffee and some ironing!

See you then.
*wanders off, dreaming of frames*

* CET = The ongoing training that all Dispensing Opticians / Optometrists have to complete every year to retain our registration and show our fitness to practice.

** Before you think me a heartless mother, the teenager in question, though apparently dying at eight am, had miraculously transformed into a slightly hoarse, sofa occupying, iPad using, definitely alive body by half past ten.

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