Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I guess it's not completely unexpected to see a programme celebrating Kylie's return to the stage with her showgirld tour, but it's appropriate for me to find it while I'm flicking through the TV channels on the evening after I've taken emma up to the V&A to see it.

Normally i would have passed on by , but it's interesting to see the costumes as they were intended, with the right lighting etc.

We had a good day out.
Sushi, Kylie and Harrods.
Although it was slightly marred by being locked in to the V&A durign a security alert.
We guessed that something had been taken , as it included bag searches before anyone was allowed to leave and a complete shut down of all exits.

I didn't get over to Fopps to see the John Butler Trio who were doing a preview gig , but i was just too tired.

It seems like recently I'm having more and more trouble trying not to fall asleep at some incredibly early hour.

And now I'm waiting for Dave to get home from football and trying hard to stay awake.
I don't think I'm winning :D

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