Sunday, March 12, 2006

Thank god

Its arrived.

No, not the macbook which was last seen shipping to some interim port or other and at the moment being unwilling to tell me where it is when i log in to find out.

No, something rather MORE important.
[Well, ok, more important for a few days given that I'd be running around like a total nellie trying to find a suitable replacemant if it hadnt arrived in time]

Yes, of course.....its the dress!
Or rather the skirt and bustier.
And it looks gorgeous.
Not a trace of the sausage in sight.
I have a waist.
And boobs.
And it looks elegant, and lovely.

Nothing will make me look like a size 10, but this makes me look and feel good.

The bustier is draped and folded and darted in such a way as to give me support and to stop my boobs from escaping at the least breath from me, and yer it doesn't show any rolls of excess flesh.
The skirt is fitted without being tight and sweeps into a fishtail kick pleat at the back like the one in the picture that i posted a while back.
The fabric is a mid toned brown with a slight sheen and is firm enough to hang without clinging.
And i love it.

Though it is a fraction long, so i may well be rushing around looking for shoes tomorrow.

At the worst i can wear the black and gold 50's platforms under it, as the brown is dark enough, and the gold platform high enough that the black satin of the shoe won't look too bad.

I'm going to wear the pearl necklet, and retrieve my matching bracelet from Em's room so most of the jewelery side of things is sorted too.


I'm starting to get excited.

1 comment:

Emily said...

sounds gorgeous :) wanna see photos!!!