Friday, January 13, 2006

nothing comes to mind

today is a blergh day.
it doesn't even deserve capitals.
and its because i feel poorly
and icky
and headachy
and backachy
and generally tired
and rubbish.

All around the world [ and I see some sneaky capitals have wriggled there way in here now ] people are having joyous days.
But here i am, getting cold .
and knowing that i should have gone to bed earlier yesterday.
and not really caring that i didnt

oh, my apostrophies are doing a dissappearing act.
can i be bothered to go back and change them
i bloody cant


im going to take some headache stuff [ which i very rarely take i'll have you know ] and then im going to irritate the girls by throwing them off the sofa tuning into something im vaguely interested in and vegging.

I had intended to write some deep and meaningfully insightful words about birthdays and things but my maggotty brain won't let me, so I'm sorry.
I'll try and do better next time.

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