Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Random thoughts from a fraught day.

You know its been a bad day when all you seem to do is sigh, and today has been a dooozy of a sigh-fest.

It all started well.
I got to work on time even though the council has decided to dig up a large hole and put temporary traffic lights by it so that you sit there for 5 minutes with the road in front clearly lacking in any other traffic while you wait for the green to start.
I finished a load of jobs that I had left from yesterday and felt pretty optemistic that I'd get everything else done by the time that I left work.
But somehow as the day progressed , my sigh ratio increased.


See...I'm even doing it now.

It wasn't helped by a really irritating woman behind me in the queue at woolworths [ where I was picking up some much needed tumblers for work ] laughing loudly at every comment made by the woman being served in front.
Now this had me rather perplexed.
They obviously didn't know each other.
The woman being served wasn't saying anything funny and apart from a rather amusing expression af open mouthed astonishment every time the cashier spoke to her she didn't LOOK funny.
So why the heck was the loud and rather blousy woman behind me doing an impression of being deeply amused at every word?

It all became clear as she said in an extremely loud voice after the first woman had asked [ very reasonably I thought ] for a card in which to put the credit type gift-card she had just purchased.
"oh yes,I mean its not as if we don't have a bus to catch and it only comes one every hour"

The penny dropped.
She was being sarcastic.

So obviously I took my time getting my purse out and looking for the exact money when it came to my turn.

: )

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